I priced a job up & i am in the middle of cleaning it , however when i met the person in charge he told me that one of his men would operate the boom lifts & this isnt the case.
on the first day he supplied me with an operator whilst i wfp the roof & sides of the building , the building is round and all glass.
I priced up at £1200.00 in/out.
I went on monday and took 2 lads with me ,to be told operator wasnt turning up , so set me back.
Turned up today (saturday) at 7.30 with 2 lads & was told the same , operator wasnt turning up saying he was ill.
I am IPAF qualified so he asked me to operate the machinery at an extra cost , WHAT WOULD YOU CHARGE FOR 2 DAYS OPERATE THE PLATFORM EQUIPMENT when it wasnt in the price.
NATIONWIDE charge £45 per hour with minimum 8 hours = £360 .
What would you charge for 2 days when you hadnt included operating equipment within your quote.
thanks ,