I understand the reasoning behind TUPE legislation i.e. to protect/preserve the employees current T & C’s. However a couple of quick questions – have trawled various search facilities and been unable to find answers.
Scenario One:
I win office cleaning contract and current provider, a local competitor, has 5 staff on site. Being a sizeable outfit said staff could be deployed to an alternative local site by their existing employer. They are happy for this to happen. My question is – are they forced via TUPE to remain at their original site even though they have been offered a viable local alternative they would be happy with? (In other words TUPE is normally only used by an existing employer as a way of “dumping” sub standard cleaners when loosing a contract, if they were any good they would be deployed elsewhere)
Scenario Two:
Same situation as above, but this time I am on the receiving end and have lost a contract to a competitor, say on a price basis. My staff want to stay with me and I can redeploy them locally. Does TUPE force them into being transferred to new contractor, even though they do not want to and I would like to keep them?
Scenario Three:
As above again, but I cannot afford to take on more staff as I have already resourced for the new contract prior to winning it. To me this is the biggest problem with TUPE as I understand it. I know there are various subtle ways to remove said staff over time after TUPE but in the short term it would have a detrimental effect on my cashflow.
Please forgive me if the answers are obvious! Any light shed on the above would be most appreciated!
Many thanks