Nice site
I also have a web site with dark background which I never liked, but the guys who designed it insisted that it was ok and urged me to keep it. I have since learnt to do my own sites, and have produced a few now.
It is worth remembering web sites and van signage when you think of company names and logos. I had a devil of a job when it came to sign writing the vehicles, as my chosen logo looked absolute crap on a van although great on paper.
If you find yourself in this position, don’t be afraid to change colours etc to make things work, people rarely care or even notice, its the name which is the real issue always choose one that you wont need to change in 5 years time and will stay marketable however large you grow.
Ooopps I seemed to have strayed a bit. Nice straight forward (no silly bells and whistles) site.
PDF downloads seems to work fine for me unless you have fixed it since.