Although you can charge a considerable amount more for tiles than for carpets, its often alot more work. I have the SX-12, SX-7, and all the gekko hand tools. I bought all of this because there was no training and I thought I needed every thing.
I now scrub the edges by hand rather then the gekko corner tool, I dont do shower cubicle unless I really have to, and therefor hardly use the SX-7.
I always insist on giving a demo because there are certain ceramic tile profiles that don't look any different once they have been cleaned and most customers want a visual difference for the price they are paying.
Having said all of this, I cleaned 200sqm the other day. Had 3 people helping to move the furniture. The job took 2 hours and I charged the same as for 300sqm of carpet. The end result was absolutely spectacular.
Having said all of this I only get one job per month. Its something I would lke to concentrate on this year.