Wavie Davie.
This post was not a rant after coming back from the pub,
or about W/fed poles.
It was suposed to be amusing, :)obviously some people, namely you,
did not think that this was the case. :-/
As for H&S Awareness courses, you made it public, and as a moderator of this forum, what is private between you and I should not be aired on this forum.
Very unprofessional of you.
As an individual, I have an opinion that may or may not be the opinion of the "Fed." If you represent an organisation and have a business yourself, obviously you cannot speak for both organisations when you make a statement about the industry that you work in. As a "Fed" committee member, if I am on "Fed " business I will speak for and on behalf of the "Fed," but for you to say to me do I represent the "Fed" in all my postings, it depends in what capacity. Tam.