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  • Posts: 530
new front page on web site
« on: July 10, 2004, 11:13:39 pm »
As most of my web site hits are from clean it up :( can ppl advice on new front page please ;D

Len Gribble

  • Posts: 5106
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2004, 12:38:24 am »

I first pick you up sell you self first which you took note!

I think it was Doug a bit JP’s I’m no marketing expert what customer base are you looking for the daily Mirror/Sun, Sport etc re think my wife buys the Mirror but is a snob when it comes to home/appearance.

May I ask before your move what type of hits did you have?

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. (Sidcup Kent)


  • Posts: 530
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2004, 12:50:58 am »
most hits from clean it up

I am on a few local web rings and on google in a raduis on 25 miles on st ives and i have a free listing on yahoo by the way i have a pay to click on google and have not had one referral from ut i get refferals from google free listing.  there is less pc in computer hard to believe but population of cornwall in stagging 62,000 which is certainly hard to believe


  • Posts: 20
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2004, 07:04:02 pm »
Hi Paul,

I must ask what it is that you are selling on your website? The first rule of web design is that it must be easy for the intended consumer to find AND to navigate.

I appreciate that its pretty much a clone of several other websites that appear to be involved in the Joe Polish system, but from a web design perspective it sucks - sorry for being so curt about it.

The first thing that strikes me (apart from the use of frames which most people hate almost as much as the use of flash online) is that your message appears to appeal to the negative.

Right off you are hit by a gruesome looking bug which I think sets the tone for the viewer right away. I also get the impression from your previous posts that you are NOT involved in the Joe Polish system - then why use the material. Unless you have mentally bought into the material that you publish, you will not be able to make it your own.

The web reader acts differently to a newspaper or magazine reader. The 3 click rule applies to websites - as in the reader must find what they need within 3 clicks. In fact you will see it for yourself in that you will skip topics that don't grab you on this forum and immediately click on those that do - then again you would only use this forum as you have an interest in it.

As for webrings etc - all pointless unless you are offering some thing that has relevance to the intended reader. Google is a good issue that you raised. It works on a page rank structure and has particular issues regarding the tags and meta tags and content of a speciffic web page that it searches for. A largish portion of its ranking system also includes the 'quality' of other websites that link to yours. Link farming on other websites etc can actually harm your Google standing.

The key to good ranking is careful tag and description optimisation (and its an ongoing thing)
Pay-per-click can be masterful AS LONG as you use it smartly. Again you need to clearly define the search parameters that you want your ad to show up on. eg: Carpet Cleaner Dorset will mean that the bloke in Scotland doesn't get to see you and you don't want him to either as you can't service him up there.

A website is only as good as the unique info that it gives the web. Keep it small and tight and update often and unless you intend to run ecommerce through it, treat it as a brochure. In other words it must lead to enquiries and you don't get those unless you keep some detail info back.

I think that no website is usually better than an ill thought out website. If a reader surfs on in and doesn't get a 'hey I think I'll read this page' feeling, you have lost them. Possibly forever. Even worse is when websites are badly set out and filled with spelling errors etc. The 'tone' is set in the readers mind within 3 seconds of hitting your homepage (usually even less). I also am a firm believer that unless you are specifically webbased as a business, that your website should be treated as complemetary to the rest fo your marketing mix and not as a stand alone thing.

Len is completely right and has offerd you the ultimate solution for a successful website. Decide on your niche market and then publish for them specifically. Forget trying to service the entire UK - you can't - so aim at those you can.

I would offer to assist with optimisation and layout etc, but I am keen to move away from working exclusively on the web as I have done for the last 4 years - hence me wwanting a real life and becoming an out and about carpet cleaner.


  • Posts: 530
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2004, 07:35:06 pm »
well zach thanks for your post it makes a lot of sense and thanks for the time it must of taken you


  • Posts: 20
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2004, 08:27:30 pm »

I hope that you didn't think I was trying to be nasty of anything like that. That wasn't my intention. Rather, I think that the concept of websites are largely misjudged as to their effectiveness as a business tool.

I figure this stems from the DOTCOM age (before the bust) when businesses felt it was crucial to have a website, but without proper planning as to their actual function.

What happened previously is that websites were designed by techies. In other words, the people that understood machine code and programming language. This was the very worst thing that could have happened as websites ended up being designed from a technical perspective instead of the consumers perspective.

Fortunately this has changed a lot as marketing spend now needs to account for itself where ever it is used - websites included.

Take this Forum as an example. It works for the follwoing reasons. It is highly niched and knows EXACTLY who it wants to reach. It has very little if any 'padding ' to try make it look special - instead you log on and get straight to the core of its existence. The 'padding' it uses is simply the interaction between peoplethat share several issues in common - hence its success.
You alsa notice there is no fancy 'flash' type movies - you know the kind when you get to a new website and it takes for ever to load and has a clickable area that says "skip intro" - guess how many people hit that button?

The web is primarily driven by its ability to make RELEVANT info instantly available and people have come to expect exactly that from it. If a website doesn't do exactly that rightaway, people will simply use the many search tools available and surf on elseswhere.

Here's an idea for you - seeing as you clearly have an interest in websites - so make it work for you (providing your target market place is actually web literate otherwise its a waste of time)
Why not build a new website and this time DON'T make the focus on healthy carpet cleaning. Instead, make it a depiction of the area you live in. Add human interest stories etc AND tag on the carpet cleaning onto that.
Just a thought and you must decide whether it fits in with your style or not before you attempt it.

Your web readers may not be visiting you for the following reasons: (they may or may not be relevant to your website)

a) They can't find your website or don't know about its existence.
b) You have rubbish content for them to read.
c) If they do find you, they don't immediately think that what you offer is of any importance to them.
d) They may like what they find but give up becaue navigation is too difficult to work out.
e) Your content may look like sales patter instead of information that empowers them - after all - people hate being sold to, but love buying instead.
f) Your website may be too general in its provision of content - ie: you don't appear to be a specialist with specific solutions for them.

The key here is to think brochure to enable them to ASK for more info and to have a clear idea of EXACTLY who it is that you aim the website at.

Len Gribble

  • Posts: 5106
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2004, 08:54:51 pm »

One of the best UK sites I have come across is and up market in my opinion and not in ones face, hope Nigel dose not get upset me posting this, there are others check out, but also have a look at the franchise side of our business there into marketing/branding in a big way.

Getting the right balance is difficult what ever you do, by the way not all the so called affluent areas have there carpets cleaned but as a pro you know that, I would also go down the road of the cleaning agent you use, it’s slowly working for me, the word for me  is educating the customer.

I wish you all the best.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. (Sidcup Kent)

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2004, 09:19:38 am »
Cant understand why your marketing is not working.

Looks like you have been to the JP school of marketing.

Front page puts me off think you have been brainwashed about Promite

Not saying its a bad product but do not believe dust mites  or indoor air quality is\why people have their carpets cleaned.

Good to introduce in sales presentation
but not up front.


  • Posts: 170
Re: new front page on web site
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2004, 09:30:10 am »
Hard to get through all the polish

some of your info is kind of misleading