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ray l

  • Posts: 167
2 or 3 months
« on: December 20, 2006, 04:00:11 pm »
Just a bit of advice .

After been off for 8 weeks now with a broken leg.
(the plaster is off but I am attending physio to strenghen the ankle up)

Work into your accounts a few pound for a rainy day .

I would aim for 3 months wages but 2 month is practical.
Thats just to keep you ticking over.

With this time off work you will still play catch up on bills ie insurance. 

Its not that hard but very necessary.



  • Posts: 840
Re: 2 or 3 months
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2006, 05:10:30 pm »
I agree with you there Ray i havent worked since the 8th of December after sustaining an injury during a training session and if i had,nt have saved for what i call an unforseen circumstance our christmas would have been cancelled! so i,m so glad that i did.
A bad days fishing is better than a good days work !


Re: 2 or 3 months
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2006, 06:00:00 pm »
ive had a poor month aswell, pulled my shoulder muscle , then when that was back, i hurt my Big toe, thought it was broken, just bruised BUT alot of bleeding under the toe nail which puts pressure on the nail and is very painfull, too painfull to work ( been and had it drilled to releive the pressure though )

1 of my bill has gone on the CC, thats what its for, just incase ;)