Hiya guys
Got my gear at last from cleantech. Got a rectangular vikan brush without the red rubber round edges. 1 fan jet works fine spraying in middle of bristles, the other squirts at an angle at not straight, therefore squirts at top of the brush bristles, I turn it round with screwdriver and it squirts downwards into bristles on brush. This can't be right surely meaning dirt from brush is sprayed onto window and doesn't rinse properly?
Got a 4 stage 100 gpd RO with ro man sitckers on it. got sediment filter, coconut carbon then cholrine filter then onto membrane. got a pressure gauge on it showing 50 psi but does slightly leak at connection point to the pipe. problem however is that is starts off giving TDS as 002, then rises and now after 3 hours, only got about 13 litres of water and it's now coming out at TDS 29. TDS increases longer the longer it runs. TDS is only 68-72 coming out of tap so it's only 50% efficient. This can't be right surely?

Also, RO has a metal round thing above the membrane, with 2 green tubes going into bottom and 2 blue tubes from the top, 1 is the product water, the other connected to the membrane. Anyone know what this is for?
Got a 5 litre DI cannister but bet this won't last long with this RO so something must be wrong.
apart from this, everything else seems ok. its hard to reach the valve though to shut the water off from the pipe from my new backpack. cut the lance off, put in a valve I got for £10, clipped this up and other end goes into pole hose. Any suggestions here also to make it easier, could do with connecting this valve to the pole somehow?