Don't get me wrong Wavie Davie, i'm not after the cheapest product! just the best price for the best product! I never have bought rubbish, and don't intend to start now.
See what you mean about aftersales service, but let's be honest how often do you need aftersales service! it's not exactly rocket science is it!
I thought Ionic poles were good when i started out 3yrs ago, but now i'm looking at the Unger hi-flo carbontec pole- bit pricey though, fed up with replacing clamps on these ionic poles, they seem to be doing nothing to improve the durability of them. Or is it just me that thinks that! When i spoke to Ionics in the summer about resin colour changing so fast on polisher, it was down to the heat!! and apparently i wasn't the only one with a problem,always an excuse with some companies, the answer didn't help me in any way. Same problem with the hose carts @ £45 a go you would think they would be fairly durable, but the plastic is just not up to the job. £90 down the drain, and i won't be buying them again.