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How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« on: October 11, 2006, 11:44:32 am »

  Just want to get an honest opinion from anyone who has spent £4k+ on
  a WFP system, not looking for a slanging match.

  I spent £1k on a DIY system and set up a database to see how long it would
  take to claw back the money I spent. It has taken me 6 mnths to claw the
  money back based on increased earnings per hour.

  I now for the first time in my life have money rolling into my bank which I will
  further invest, however I'm feeling the nag nag situation from er in doors. ;D

  If I went and bought new van + system taking out a loan I feel I would
  be for ever trying to pay it off, I feel better paying by cash than paying vast
  sums of interest.

  For those of you who spent a tidy sum for your WFP how long has it been
  before you recovered your costs.




  • Posts: 985
Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 12:19:57 pm »
Hi doug,

Not long mate, although I seem to be spending alot more so not really seeing the profit.

I got a loan with 3% intrest rate which has to be the best around. I will end up paying back something stupid like 100 and odd quid ectra over three years, which is nothing really is it.

Some of my best earners I wouldnt have if it wernt for wfp, many thanks tommy tucker :D



Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 05:51:22 pm »
Hi Doug.

The way i look at it there are a lot of days ive worked which would have been hard work or impossible when i was trad.

This week alone i'm only 3hrs behind, if i was trad i reckon i would have been nearly 2 days behind. So i reckon its paying for itslf. Its been nearly a year for me now & all my work every week is done. No chance when i was trad.  ;D



Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 06:09:52 pm »

why upgrade to a van and system

if your current setup works, why fix it ;)

just a question thats all


  • Posts: 3503
Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2006, 09:15:15 pm »
Matt you got in before me. once you have built your own system, and used it for a year, upgrading it gradually should be a doddle. I would rather put my experience to good use, than pay out heaps of money to someone else.
A decent sign written van maybe, but the rest I would do myself.


Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2006, 10:04:09 pm »
Why do you want to change?

Just for the hell of it


do you NEED to upgrade to expand.

If its the second reason then invest in a better setup.

I 've INVESTED heavily in a decent van, decent system and decent work. Its cost me but I'm reaping the rewards and will continue to reap the rewards.

I wouldn't do it any different if I had my time again.

Alot of w\c dont like to invest. They just want to spend as little as possible. This is a false economy.


  • Posts: 198
Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2006, 10:31:54 pm »
Definately up the turnover with WFP but forever paying out on things.

If I had done a cash flow projection before starting out it would have frightened me.  However my gut feeling won and I have never regretted the investments along the way.

£1000 ebay setup to get going, then trolley system, then 400ltr tank in van with tricoflex hose, then van clapped, then bigger van with IBC and 2 x microbore and pumps, then more poles, new batteries, new variflow, etc. etc.

I'm treating it pretty much like any new start - first year loss, 2nd year break even, 3rd year profit.

Certainly beleive wfp is the way to go.  Will buy a VW Transporter next year for total reliability and keep the tax bill down.



  • Posts: 1137
Re: How long does it take to claw back money spent on WFP
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2006, 11:23:53 pm »
Ok straight talking and Economics.

How long it takes you to get the costs back will depend on you and how you work, your price structure, ( Are your prices going up to help cover the cost of investment?) and the size of your round.

My Van was bought with cash, on the road with road tax incl vat, everything £9800.00.
It will Easily last me 10 yrs which averages out at £20 a week or 40 mins work a week, peanuts.

All my wfp equipment, spares, backpack, 40 40 Ro set up in the garage. Facelift fitting the van cost me £5200.00 approx, I have not spent anything else since, but I did buy spares for everything, oh I just bought a new battery charger another £78.00.

I Estimated if I earned another £5,000 a year more then I got trad cleaning everything would be paid of in 3 years. I thought that sounded reasonable. How am I doing after 40 weeks wfp?

Bloody marvelous thanks. After 40 weeks of wfp I am £1,000 short of covering the entire cost of wfp set up including the van costs. Remmber that is extra money earned over and above what I used to get Trad w/c. I am compareing directly with my trad w/c wage from last year which was my best ever, just.

My prices went up at the beginning of the year by 20% across the board because of my investment in wfp. I have done extra jobs like con roofs and Facias and I have got more work, but I am still not working any longer hours then last year. I am faster, pure and simple with wfp.

Everyone may vary as to how much more they can earn, I am just putting down how it as helped me financially and hoe quick I have been able to pay back my investmant.
I for one am glad I bought the right set up for me and how I work,That as been as a direct result of the freindly advice I received on this forum.

Is a good system worth paying for. You bet it is.
