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  • Posts: 69
its time...
« on: October 11, 2006, 08:09:29 pm »
as a wfp window cleaner,and,as winter and dodgy weather is now well on its way,do you agree its time for the a v e r a g e
customer to get used to the f a c t that you can clean windows in weather with a wfp system that you coudnt do trad i.e rain?time has moved ahead and so has the equipment  we use, so must the minds of alot of customers move ahead to the future of having their windows cleaned in all weather,with just the same result-clean windows!!!!!! ;D


Re: its time...
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 08:18:30 pm »
As I get new customers I give them a date of when I clean their window and after each clean they get a slip that tells them the date of their next clean...come rain or shine...thats the next clean....

Each customer also gets a copy of our terms and conditions, this also states the  above...So I suppose that I do expect them to adjust......

I am a very new window cleaner and as such I am not the best source of information but I am trying to create a business for myself and my family, so the idea that I will sit around an not working does not really appeal....

Yesterday rained hard...the g/f and I cleaned during it....result clean windows, happy in the bank....

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 25118
Re: its time...
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2006, 08:40:20 pm »

Each customer also gets a copy of our terms and conditions, this also states the  above...So I suppose that I do expect them to adjust......

I am a very new window cleaner and as such I am not the best source of information but I am trying to create a business for myself and my family, so the idea that I will sit around an not working does not really appeal....

Yesterday rained hard...the g/f and I cleaned during it....result clean windows, happy in the bank....

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

When I was in office equipment sales it was generally accepted that December would be a poor month - short month because of Xmas, buyers winding down until the new year etc., can't get the decision makers together and the like.

A new guy got a huge order for word processors from a solicitors firm and got the deal finalised on the 23rd December.

The new guy said "No-one told me December was a poor month...." :)

Point being - new guy or not - we can all learn something from you pylofm - and I've learnt that if I need to I can educate my customers to fit in with my requirements.
It's a game of three halves!


Re: its time...
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2006, 09:03:20 pm »
As my round is now at breaking point i.e so many customers. i have decided to tell customers that i am taking advantage of my all weather system (wfp). Thats one of the reasons i bought it in the first place, only started telling them this week but no one is batting an eye lid.

I tell them if there's a problem contact me but when you reason that you could clean the windows today and its sunny then tomorrow it pours down then its the same weather hitting the windows anyway .,thats my view point any how and i think any customers you lose will be a drop in the ocean to what you lose per day from NOT working in the rain :) now  to get some decent water proofs :)

regards tomo