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Paul Coleman

More on public liability insurance
« on: October 09, 2006, 06:09:20 pm »
My PLI is up for renewal soon.  I had an interesting chat on the phone about it just now.  Apparently, work above 15 metres (49 ft 3") is not covered as standard by PL policies.  I had always thought this meant if the operator is working above 15 metres but have now been told that it refers to any work above that height.  This means that if the top of a window is above 15 metres, then I would not be covered for any mishap that occurred while the pole was extended above that height.  It's not currently a problem as my longest pole is currently 36 ft but I do have a couple of quotes in for much higher work.
It may be that using a 60 ft pole could just fall within this limitation due to being on the diagonal but it may be worth checking the policies.
Any comments are welcome.
I've posted this to another forum as well to maximise feedback.

Trevor Knight

  • Posts: 1825
Re: More on public liability insurance
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2006, 09:09:24 am »
I think alot depends on each individual insurer. We are covered for these hights but agree, others may use that as a get out clause for any claim.

We use Willis, very good value for money.
Best wishes,

Covering Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey, Berkshire