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  • Posts: 559
southern water
« on: July 11, 2024, 03:27:51 pm »
Southern water to bills up by 44% plus inflation over next five years, robbing modded, theses companies borrow loads of money pay themselves and their share holders loads of bunce then have the nerve to turn around and say you need to bail us out or let us put every ones bills up and the slimy moddedpoliticians who probably have loads of shares in them do nothing, and here's the amazing thing they don't think they are even doing anything wrong, my opinion they are worse then any other type of criminal out there on the street they have just found a way to rob us legally with the help of modded politicians, good to get that out of my system will try and forget it now ;D


  • Posts: 559
Re: southern water
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2024, 03:49:43 pm »
Oh yeah I forgot while taking all this money they also like to pump our rivers full of poop and still dont think they're doing anything wrong, I don't know how they sleep at night.

michael mckeary

  • Posts: 254
Re: southern water
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2024, 04:27:43 pm »
I can't believe the people in England are allowing the water bill racket to continue. Up here we voted 97% not to privatise Scottish Water. I'm £425 a year and get a 25% one person discount and can take as much water as I want. I think fairly soon a vigilante group will rise up and begin to rip out water meters. Remember, Thatcher privatised each one and they had no debt. Then the spivs came in and loaded them with debt so they could pay out massive dividends and make little up grades. Up here SW is spending £10 Billion upgrading out sewerage system and providing good paying jobs. If I told you that Thames Water announced it is going to pay shareholders dividends and in the same sentence they said they will run out of money in 11 months you would think I'm making it up but I'm not. 


  • Posts: 559
Re: southern water
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2024, 04:37:38 pm »
I know they treat like mugs sick of it, that sounds bloody good at scottish water


  • Posts: 599
Re: southern water
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2024, 02:45:03 pm »
They are talking about building new reservoirs where I live 5 have been shut down and sold for housing now they say we need to put the bills up by 75% to build more we’ve been shafted
They changed the laws and can snatch your van and equipment   And an unlimited fine or imprisonment if there is a water shortage not even allowed  a bucket except for health and safety reasons
shocking what they can put you in prison for these days

michael mckeary

  • Posts: 254
Re: southern water
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2024, 07:06:27 pm »
They are talking about building new reservoirs where I live 5 have been shut down and sold for housing now they say we need to put the bills up by 75% to build more we’ve been shafted
They changed the laws and can snatch your van and equipment   And an unlimited fine or imprisonment if there is a water shortage not even allowed  a bucket except for health and safety reasons
shocking what they can put you in prison for these days

Don't worry about prison they are exempt from water rationing and there is no room in prison anyway. I used to be a prison officer and I couldn't believe the rights a prisoner has and now they want to give them the vote.