Way back when (2002) I did car sales for a bit. I was sent on a sales course which was actually fascinating. One point was that on average, there are seven points of contact with a customer who buys a car. They might walk in on the day and buy from you the first time you meet them, but they've often had 6 other contacts. TV advert, brochure, website visit, another dealer etc.
Just thinking about window cleaning, we often rely on one point of contact - leaflet or door knock, maybe being seen at the neighbour's.
I read on a totally different site for entrepreneurs that 30,000 leaflets would be best sent to 10,000 homes three times over a 6 month period (so leaflet one, 3 month wait, leaflet two, 3 month wait, leaflet 3) rather than to 30,000 homes.
Just changed my view. I was thinking of going to leaflet, wait, leaflet, canvass. I know it isn't car sales, but do you think increasing the contacts would have a big impact on leads?