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  • Posts: 861
« on: November 23, 2023, 06:32:14 pm »
Twenty years a shiner and you think you've seen it all but today was a first. Detached leaded house, been doing it a few years and half way through the lady of the house comes home and in an accusing manner asks if I've "changed the product in my water" as last time I left brush marks etc.. So I of course explain I don't use products in the water, it's pure etc etc. On further investigation, it turns out her husband had cleaned all the facials and window frames himself and had used an autoglym product for cars which has left a waterproof wax layer  which my brush of course has picked up and transfered to the glass. I've now got to try and revive my nearly new flocked supreme which is all waxed up, shes got windows which won't look very good when dry, I haven't been paid (yet) and Im going to have to lose them as a customer as wfp won't be possible till the wax has gone. Also, after the last clean, I've no doubt been leaving wax on others people glass, surprised  no one said anything, then again tomorrow will be the 1st time back to do the properties I did after this one ::)roll. It just highlights how vulnerable we are to getting blamed for anything window related. We really don't know what happens to windows once we've left.


  • Posts: 33
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2023, 06:45:20 pm »
Had that once on a first clean, I asked what was on the windows and she said her son had washed them with a car wax product 🤦🤦 suffice to say it was a once only visit.

simon w

  • Posts: 1633
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2023, 07:23:21 pm »
I'd bill her for the windows and for the cost of a new brush.


  • Posts: 2338
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2023, 08:29:24 pm »
On one of my regulars I arrived and looked at the top windows and they looked like there was at least a years worth of muck on them. I thought to myself I'll get some satisfaction in cleaning these. I start cleaning and there's like a real cloudy mess going on when the water hit the glass. I ended up spraying virosol on the brush for every window. They still didn't come up that good. I texted the customer to let him know I've done my best but there seems to be some sort of oil on all the windows. It turns out he'd sprayed them all with some sort of spider repellent!
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 2559
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2023, 09:12:20 pm »
Irritating when people place bbq's next to a window to cook throughout the summer and the grease is thick on the glass

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1509
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2023, 10:38:41 pm »
I’ve had similar before twice & trashed nearly new brushes both times. Really really annoying.

Splash & dash

  • Posts: 4364
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2023, 10:47:19 pm »
Twenty years a shiner and you think you've seen it all but today was a first. Detached leaded house, been doing it a few years and half way through the lady of the house comes home and in an accusing manner asks if I've "changed the product in my water" as last time I left brush marks etc.. So I of course explain I don't use products in the water, it's pure etc etc. On further investigation, it turns out her husband had cleaned all the facials and window frames himself and had used an autoglym product for cars which has left a waterproof wax layer  which my brush of course has picked up and transfered to the glass. I've now got to try and revive my nearly new flocked supreme which is all waxed up, shes got windows which won't look very good when dry, I haven't been paid (yet) and Im going to have to lose them as a customer as wfp won't be possible till the wax has gone. Also, after the last clean, I've no doubt been leaving wax on others people glass, surprised  no one said anything, then again tomorrow will be the 1st time back to do the properties I did after this one ::)roll. It just highlights how vulnerable we are to getting blamed for anything window related. We really don't know what happens to windows once we've left.

I had the same thing happen when a glassing firm put silicon oil on all the plastic frames I smeared it on the glass not realising what was on the frames , I ended up phoning the glassing company asking what I could use to remove it they said they weren’t aware of any solvent that would remove it , it ruined my brush which I had to dump and just told the customer sort it out with the people that put it on there , never went back shame real as it was a nice place .

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1580
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2023, 05:19:42 pm »
Not so destructive to brushes but very irritating nonetheless is WD40.
It's sometimes recommended for restoring wood effect PVC frames. However, when not thoroughly cleaned off after use it contaminates the brush bristles and spreads all over the glass and being a thin oil makes a right smeary mess. This has happened to me a few times.
Fortunately it can be cleaned off windows and brushes with washing up liquid or No Nonsense degreaser. But it is still very annoying when it happens.


  • Posts: 997
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2023, 07:52:54 pm »
One of my customers had his brickwork treated with Thompsons Water Seal. The cowboy who did it coated all the windows too.
Took forever to scrub off with degreaser on a mop.

Splash & dash

  • Posts: 4364
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2023, 10:29:57 pm »
One of my customers had his brickwork treated with Thompsons Water Seal. The cowboy who did it coated all the windows too.
Took forever to scrub off with degreaser on a mop.

I have never been able to get it off always find it seams to bond  to the glass Evan a scraper wouldn’t remove it


  • Posts: 3931
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2023, 08:18:02 am »
I was cleaning for a regular a few months ago and noticed the kitchen window sill a bit dirtier than normal , gave it a scrub and gave the window a scrub and noticed like a waterproof coating now on the window and on my brush, couldn’t get it off so proceeded to the next window (using a brand new flocked brush). Next window sill even worse than the previous so I knocked on the door. ‘Have you put something on your sills? Because I can’t get it off?’
Her -‘no ???
Husband arrives , asked him the same - ‘oh yeah I put Vaseline on all the window sill’s because I’m fed up of my cat sitting on the sills after you’ve cleaned them’
Me ‘ well I can’t clean them now and it’s ruined my brush , you’ll have to clean it off with hot water or I won’t be able to clean them again’
I couldn’t believe it…..


  • Posts: 997
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2023, 03:13:03 pm »
Yes, had a customer put black grease on his window sill for the same reason. Takes all sorts  ::)roll


  • Posts: 14451
Re: Autoglym
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2023, 10:11:16 pm »
I was cleaning for a regular a few months ago and noticed the kitchen window sill a bit dirtier than normal , gave it a scrub and gave the window a scrub and noticed like a waterproof coating now on the window and on my brush, couldn’t get it off so proceeded to the next window (using a brand new flocked brush). Next window sill even worse than the previous so I knocked on the door. ‘Have you put something on your sills? Because I can’t get it off?’
Her -‘no ???
Husband arrives , asked him the same - ‘oh yeah I put Vaseline on all the window sill’s because I’m fed up of my cat sitting on the sills after you’ve cleaned them’
Me ‘ well I can’t clean them now and it’s ruined my brush , you’ll have to clean it off with hot water or I won’t be able to clean them again’
I couldn’t believe it…..

You'll need to educate him on the benefits of KY Gel . Better for him, you, the environment and your brush.
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