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KS Cleaning

  • Posts: 3929
Re: Going on flat roofs at the back
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2023, 03:29:16 pm »
I won't ever go on a flat roof and haven't done for years.
I don't use step ladders to reach or climb over gates.
Don't stand on walls to reach.
These days if I can't reach it with both feet on the ground it gets missed.
I'm going to dump the last of my three storey or awkward jobs in the new year.
Some of the new build work is far easier so why give myself the ball ache  :D

Seems completely reasonable mate.

Problem is I have quite a few of these jobs so cutting them all out would affect me financially, but I guess thats just short term.

I'd estimate I have at least 50, maybe more. Maybe I need to count them up and then canvass that number of new customers. Then gradually get rid of the flat roof jobs.

I don't think you will lose many. Why not try this on a handful and see what the response is ...

Hi Mrs. Extension, I have a bit of bad news - my insurers are putting up my premiums and I'm finding it difficult to get cover for walking on flat roofs anymore; apparently if my foot goes through I shan't be covered and if I slip and injure myself I've been told that it will come down to the householders insurance, not mine.

I'm quite prepared to do the rest of your house but thought I'd better let you know.


From my experience of this sort of conversation I have had I reckon you'll get no more than a couple be awkward and most will panic at the thought of you claiming if you fall off!

They won't find it easy to get someone else to do it nowadays. Remember when we all changed from trad. to wfp and were concerned we'd lose customers? It will be like that but easier IMO.

Good luck with it!

Thanks mate, ill give it a try.
Each to their own. I just don't like the idea of lying to customers. I would just be honest and explain briefly why you do not want to do them anymore. It is not unreasonable to not want to use ladders anymore.

Who's lying? I'm not insured if I put my foot through a customers flat roof and if I slipped off then any claim wouldn't be paid by my insurers.

I'm just spelling out the possible consequences when previously I kept shtum and took the risk.
If you put your foot through a customers flat roof it will be because the roof is rotten/defective so insurance would not pay out anyway. If it really was your fault then it should be covered by Public Liability Insurance.

The real reason for not wanting to go on the roof is nothing to do with insurance, but due to safety and being a general PITA.
Not everyone’s Public Liability Insurance will cover the building being worked on.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: Going on flat roofs at the back
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2023, 07:59:20 pm »
I agree with tying to get rid of the need to use your ladder to access areas.
What I have done for years is to place a microfiber cloth under the ladder feet, I have found they give me confidence on wooden decking and green concrete.
Give it a go, and see how if it helps.

You'd be surprised how easily a ladder can come down on decking even with stabiliser bars fitted to the ladder with someone footing it if it starts to go, seriously isn't worth it imo.

I ain't afraid of going up ladders but some things I completely rule out and decking is one of them at the top of my list to avoid.


  • Posts: 23850
Re: Going on flat roofs at the back
« Reply #22 on: November 27, 2023, 10:40:56 pm »
I have quite a few jobs where I have to go on flat roofs at the back of peoples houses.

With the wet weather recently a few have been really slippery.

I'd never forgive myself if I permanently injured myself falling off a ladder via window cleaning, a job I cant stand.

Does anyone just stop going on them if slippery or when the ice/frost comes in the coming months just tell the customer Im not going up there?

I binned all my flat roof jobs off a while ago.....🙂

I don't have a single job that I have to used my ladders for now....

Do yourself a favour and get rid of them or tell them your not going up ladders anymore....

Your not getting any younger..... ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 23850
Re: Going on flat roofs at the back
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2023, 08:27:49 am »
I used to climb on frosted sloping roofs back in the 90s/early 2000s as well as flat roofs.when I look back at the chances I took just to clean an upper window when on the ladders it's absolutely madness to keep doing it now when you have WFP....

I was just honest and told my customers I'm not prepared to climb ladders anymore due to a window cleaner (who I used to work for) falling off and badly injuring himself at made me think...

I only had 4 jobs left where I had to use my ladders to reach some set back windows or glass roof....

It's a great feeling going to work knowing I'm not gonna have to climb on a roof ever again! :D
price higher/work harder!