Hi All,
Has anyone switched to the Fibredyne pre filters which combines carbon and sediment together? Looking at the numbers it should be more efficient and cost effective.
I can’t really see a down side unless I’m missing something. 🧐
Thanks chaps.
If you live in an area where your water has a high sediment content, then you possibly will be well advised to retain it.
There were times when we had to change the sediment filter 3 times before the Fiberdyne's service life was up. If we only had a single Fiberdyne filter doing both jobs, then that would have been an expensive exercise.
I got caught once where my sediment filter was blocked after one day. Everyone in our area I know of uses 2 filters, as we can't trust the water. Sediment filters are cheaper than Fiberdyne filters.
We will continue to use both filters with our water authority.