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  • Posts: 2078
Re: Slx vs xtreme under 25ft
« Reply #20 on: August 06, 2023, 10:06:07 am »
I keep a spare 1 and 2 section as backup. Have a good month, buy a section for stock/back up. This takes away the pain of the big outlay of a new pole


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Slx vs xtreme under 25ft New
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2023, 11:42:21 am »
A 25ft extreme feels like it’s half the weight of an 18ft SLX I got one for my employee and picked it up one day when my 25ft Extreme was in the van.
The 18 SLX feels like a metal tree lopper compared to the 25ft wooden broom handle
Extreme. Good thing is they are harder wearing so they last longer but no comparison to the Extremes in quality and lightness.