I knew if I made a reply, I would get many that had a reason for it being to say the least a bad idea.
For some, very strong reasons for not having one.
I have never had sparks coming from my battery. And it's covered.
If it's working safely every day as they do when fitted to buildings.
It's not a bomb. It's a on-demand heater and my customers like my set up..
Like I said I have it because it has proved safe,,,,,,,so far.
I intend for it to go on for along time yet.
I don't need to defend what I use but the area next to the gas cylinder is vented to allow gas to escape, the heater is above the bottle's.
These are sold because they are safe to use if situated correctly.
I think it's be 13 years without any mishaps.
I was just answering a question.