What's everyones experience with this sand storm we had recently?
It wasn't too bad the first couple of days but now that's it's more set on the windows and frames it's getting harder to remove .
I've been giving an extra scrub and rinse to all my jobs but it doesn't seem enough .
Some aluminium frames, especially the sills get stained and have to get damp cloth to clean it and even after that they don't look right .
Today I've noticed as it's been hot on some windows there's marks left like limescale not because it's not been rinsed but little white dots .
I was happy at the beginning of it as had a lot of phone calls, emails , messages and also no excuses from the customers to skip or cancel but it's becoming a little bit of a nuisance and fell knackered at the end of the day as every job feels like a first clean or even worse .