This message is for Gaza in the article above regarding misty windows. I agree with Gaza, if their windows are misting up and they (the customer) are blaming you for the state of their windows, then they are the ones at fault because the seals on their windows are to put it politely 'KNACKERED' and it's time for them to replace the sealed units. UPVC units are only guaranteed for 10 years and wooden framed ones for 5 years. Having said that I've come across some that are so poorly fabricated from the manufacturers they don't last a year as the workmanship is so shoddy. What a lot of customers don't thankfully realise is that traditional window cleaners using inappropiate washing up liquids, i.e. 'fairy liquid', etc (not gg3, gg4, etc) are actually contributing minutely to partially damaging some rubber seals on the window frames as this perishes some inappropiate rubbers fitted over a long period of time