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Richard iSparkle

  • Posts: 2490
new gardiner jets falling out..
« on: December 13, 2019, 03:58:44 pm »
Has anyone else had this happen to them?

I was not too bothered about the new jets at first and using the wide radius brush i have 4 jets on each pole.

now we are finding the inner part of the jets see to fall or get knocked out whilst we are working. we don't know when it happens, but have had to replace 3 now at £7.20 each

contacted gardiners and they have replaced them, with no fuss, but i can see this becoming a continuous issue for us. i don't get the impression they would continuously replace missing jets

we never like to mess about with equipment switching from one jet type to another. i dont think it makes a significant difference for our cleaning. so all we are getting from this change is higher costs, additional hassle, and more time spent repairing our kit at the end of the day.

it just seems like a pointless change from gardiners that doesn't hold any benefit to me their customer.
iSparkle Window Cleaning


  • Posts: 8427
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2019, 04:09:22 pm »
Has anyone else had this happen to them?

I was not too bothered about the new jets at first and using the wide radius brush i have 4 jets on each pole.

now we are finding the inner part of the jets see to fall or get knocked out whilst we are working. we don't know when it happens, but have had to replace 3 now at £7.20 each

contacted gardiners and they have replaced them, with no fuss, but i can see this becoming a continuous issue for us. i don't get the impression they would continuously replace missing jets

we never like to mess about with equipment switching from one jet type to another. i dont think it makes a significant difference for our cleaning. so all we are getting from this change is higher costs, additional hassle, and more time spent repairing our kit at the end of the day.

it just seems like a pointless change from gardiners that doesn't hold any benefit to me their customer.
Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration and 2% attention to detail!

The older I get, the better I was ;)

Richard iSparkle

  • Posts: 2490
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2019, 05:21:37 pm »
yeh i know...

i dont really think the advantage of being able to switch jets is significant if the jets aren't robust...

compared to a brush with jets that never failed...

obv it helps the supplier because they can produce one brush head and people modify it from there.. but if that brush head then breaks more often
iSparkle Window Cleaning


  • Posts: 23862
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2019, 05:58:30 pm »
personally ive never had any of the new style jets fall out....are they twisted in right?
price higher/work harder!

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1519
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2019, 06:28:54 pm »
Yes mine have come out a few times. It’s not that they twist out by themselves but the inner has come out when caught on a door handle or window reveal or similar  I was gonna email Alex but my brush is on it’s last legs anyway. It is a bit annoying especially when the pole is extended.  I just pushed them back in hard. I think it’s just the o ring that keeps the centre part in place. They look nice but the brass pencils were just as good i thought. The old fans used to snap on the stem if caught on juliets etc.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2019, 06:44:23 pm »
People may knock the brush I choose to use, but the rectangle 14 inch dual brush and jets are great.
They (the jets) twist lock in and dont budge.

Richard iSparkle

  • Posts: 2490
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2019, 08:15:38 pm »
personally ive never had any of the new style jets fall out....are they twisted in right?

It’s the inner bit that comes out not the whole capsule
iSparkle Window Cleaning

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1519
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2019, 08:32:09 pm »
This is what we're on about:


  • Posts: 1507
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2019, 08:14:35 am »
Not had any probs with mine yet but I have to say for me it was a why change something that didn’t need changing, before I always had both pencils and fans fitted at the same time to my brushes and was easier to change over by just swapping the T connector whereas now I have to back to the van find the widget take them out then find where I put the fan jets then put them in!!
If I want to order or replace any there’s £7-odd as mentioned above, brass pencil jets was only a few quid and red fans not much more.
Things change and suppose over time it will make more money for gardiner selling jets at those prices but a step backwards in my mind.

Simon Trapani

  • Posts: 1519
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2019, 08:29:49 am »
I do think they're a good idea. Over time you'll build up a stock of them when you buy new brushes. widget is not essential for removal as you can do them with your fingers. And it was hard pulling a cold hose off a barb. The JG fitting is better IMO.

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1581
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2019, 09:12:22 am »
Mine were coming apart two to three times a day. In the grand scheme of things not a deal breaker, as they take moments to refit with the widget but frustrating nonetheless and when you consider what you can clean/earn in even a few minutes, its a waste of precious time having to keep refitting them.

I spoke to Gardiners and was given some suggestions to try.  In all fairness these were on the website, I just hadn't seen them.

My problem appears to have been largely due to the fact that I was using the swivel adapter on my brush.  When you buy a brush with jets from Gardiner, it comes supplied with the 'T' connector and jet hoses. The length of these hoses is fine for a fixed brush adapter but too short in my view for a swivel adapter. This can be compensated for in one of two ways.

No.1   Increasing the length of the section of pole hose between the top of the pole and the 'T' connector and making sure you clamp the hose in some way at the top of the pole to stop it slipping back down the pole (especially important if you use a Univalve), and or...

No.2 Increasing the length of the jet hoses

The first suggestion is probably the most important of these suggestions as even if you don't use a Univalve, every time you extend the pole you will likely be pulling on the jets unless you fit a straight connector below the 'T' connector at the top of the pole.

So far this week, since I've put this suggestion into practice mine haven't come apart.


  • Posts: 2080
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2019, 07:39:00 pm »
Yes, I’ve also had the middle part come out.
I guessing shortly these will be the only brushes/jets they will supply.
The 100* pods aren’t as good as the black fans imo
Pointless change

M & C Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 1581
Re: new gardiner jets falling out..
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2019, 07:05:43 pm »
Yes, I’ve also had the middle part come out.
I guessing shortly these will be the only brushes/jets they will supply.
The 100* pods aren’t as good as the black fans imo
Pointless change

I suppose this depends on how often you broke one of the black fans. I didn't do it often but when I did it meant changing the jet hose as well as the broken jet. With these capsules you just press them back together. I don't know why but the 100° jet capsules seem to me to work a bit better than the original black ones.

I wouldn't say the change was pointless as it makes changing/replacing jets much easier, but it may need refining to get it spot on.