good post, made me think about influencerson my life. Numero Uno, Ma and Pa. Mum loved us all unconditionaly and consistently and had a solid foundation of faith and experience of tough times..she never spent what she dident have ,saved was very cautious yet generous. Dad was a WW2 vet MM, and came out with what is now describer as PTS, He was injured 3 times as A Tank commander and fought as a proffesional soldier from the outbreak of war in France ,reargaurd action at Dunkirk the entire Desert Campaign and invalided out after third hit during the invasion of job on return, like a lot of others, took a short hand course and worked His way to Head administrater in the new NHS... lent some money to a friend who couldent pay it back, and took on His small business, and 30 years later and 3 nervous breakdowns had a business turning over £14 M8illion.... As far as Iam aware He never went on a get rich quick course?seminar? or had a personal mentor....but he did have balls, drive, was able to be confident when internally he was shot, good internal business acumen, worked like billy oh, and was a man of His word and able to lead by example, and very occasionally by fear! and a Wife who supported Him through thick and thin and by the grace of God dealt with the effects that His war experience had on Him. I have some of His traits and others that he dident, but His example of how to treat people as you wish to betreated has stayed with me, although I can fall short at times... I feel blessed and privaleged to bear the same surname as my Father carried so well. Simon