If you don't need the electronic control, then how are you going to operate the booster pump?
If you haven't already got an intricate controller (which I doubt you have) then the only other way to switch the booster pump on is manually. That's fine, but then you have to physically monitor the pump to manually switch it off when your storage tank is full.
I just switch mine on and off manually Spruce.
I don't find it laborious and i've gotten to know how long it usually takes to fill my storage tank, and will check it while running once or twice just to keep an eye on it.
I've got lazy when it comes to operating my r/o. It has an automatic shutoff solenoid valve. So if I fill my van in the morning I just go out and leave the r/o to do its job. By the time I get back the water I drew in the morning has been replenished. So I never have to monitor the r/o.
Hence the reason why I asked the o/p how he would operate the unit. So if he hasn't thought about that then he has something else to consider.
Personally I would buy that unit you linked to and find a controller elsewhere. I'm comfortable with the way my 4040 operates and so any addition would need to fit in with my current setup. Machine Mart do sell these controllers separately as do a few other suppliers.