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  • Posts: 5366
Re: Good luck!
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2018, 12:57:27 am »
So a customer moves and several months later new people have finished doing their improvements to the house and call me as I left my flyer for new people.
So their first clean was a little more, as I knew when it was last cleaned and the frames were covered in brick dust etc. Yet no suprised, they cleaned uo lovely and like all my new work, they signed up for direct debit.

Last month I cleaned them as usual and the wive was cleaning her car and so we chat as were cleaning (ive only ever seen her n not the fella) but someone else was in car as well, a lass.   Anyway about a week later I get a text to cancel service and so I thank for the custom and ask if it was a fault with the service.
He answers yes, that he doesnt feel leaving water on windows doesnt clean as well as people on ladders nor that the frames get cleaned properly in his opinion.
So..... I ask if windows are spotted or dirty or frames dirty?   Or did he notice any problems with the  very first clean?     NO, but in his opinion it doesnt do a good job as traditional.......
So I realise hes one of those opinionated types and so i thank him for custom and think no more of it.

Today all my customers are telling me that a couple of nights back they were asking people on street if they have a window cleaner so they could get a number.
 ;D ;D ;D ;D. I did tell them I cleaned the street when I first got them as a customers and so all my customers have given them my number 😂😂😂😂

(i clean about all but five of them)

So my mate who works in the same area texted me tonight to ask if im still working this particular street as hes just received an enquiry. I asked him if it was number  so n so and it was. My customer who doesnt like wfp or people working quicker than traditional lads for more pay.  So I told him the situation and the best part is that hes also wfp, be interesting to know what will get said


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Good luck!
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2018, 11:13:25 am »
It's an excuse basically to get out of it.what you do is you call their Bluff and say "oh not a problem I'll return today do it all by ladder and it'll be done by ladder in the future" I can guarantee you will then be told "no no it's too late now you had youre chance we're not happy to proceed" in turn then you say oh I understand so I'm guessing you just wanted a one off clean? For some reason some customers have a major issue admitting that but by the above statement you've basically got that in a nutshell and then they are somewhat at ease to say yes a one-off clean because if they use the excuse they want it done traditionally you're offering it traditionally yet they're still saying no
They know that they're going to look petulant so then the truth will come out and then you say not a problem give me a call anytime for XX price obviously more than a regular

Or you just say not a problem I totally understand
And move on :)