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Dry Clean

  • Posts: 8866
Re: Pressure washing job
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2017, 10:03:10 am »
In his defence he wasn't asking how to price a job, he had kept a customer on a very low price for far too long. Good advice to any noobs is to use the search bar for these kind of posts, not for the prices but to learn from there mistakes

He has no defence, he has constantly posted on here how he was under priced for many years so to then tell an op he has no right to be going after work without knowing how to price it properly is the height of arrogance.
I do agree though that unless you have somebody who knows the area your working in then asking for a price can be a waste of time as it could vary nationwide but that doesn't mean the question shouldn't be asked, at the least there might be the odd helpful tip amongst the answers.

This thread isnt asking about pricing up windows this is about pricing up pressure washing. Its completely different.  Its not a case of one shiner might charge a fiver whilst another charges a tenner.

My threads about pricing perhaps wrongly so was trying to have a little humility to them by saying i have had some bad prices. Ive never said across board they are all bad prices.....perhaps its how i type it or how it comes accross or even how ones wish to take it!
Think you will also cind that i have said im one of the more expensive shiners in my areas and regardless of what others charge be confident in your prices and charge accordingly.  So No, yet again i dont agree with you Dry Clean but no suprise there.
So it isnt the height of ignorance. Please find a thread on the pressure washing part of CIU where i ask about pricing or say my prices are bad at pressure washing. Or go on the pressure washing forums to find my comments n advice, its not hard to find because i dont hide behind different names like some.

You can make all the excuses and do as many U turns as you want but your posts are there to read, if pricing power washing is different that's fair enough but it still wouldn't have been hard to give the guy a few tips instead of trying to big yourself up
at his expense, like I said some people forget where then have been.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Pressure washing job
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2017, 11:40:50 am »
This is why its good to know the subject before starting. Also where did i big myself up on my answer??
Also check out the power washing threads and see how many times pricing is asked. Its almost weekly, where ones jump on board and buy a cheap pressure washer and think they can make some good money from it. But they forget to research or think about the business side of it and come on asking for help for nothing!
(Lol not too dissimilar to window cleaning i suppose  ;D)

Also there is no back peddling.
But its a good job you here to keep us on out toes 👍


  • Posts: 13443
Re: Pressure washing job
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2017, 04:38:56 pm »
there's a lot of white paint been spilt on that car park!!

 ;D ;D ;D

measure the size using google earth ruler

Main issue you have here quoting remotely is what does the customer actually want, just cleaned or cleaned and oil stain removal and how much and how long has the  oil been on the surface

straight clean is around 7 hrs work for 1 man so roughly looking at £500 ( plus vat if app.) 
clean and oil treat wold require a site visit


Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 13443
Re: Pressure washing job
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2017, 04:44:54 pm »
not quite finished ringing down but gives you an idea - this was around 3.5 hours

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

rich fraser

  • Posts: 205
Re: Pressure washing job
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2017, 10:57:24 pm »
Thanks for the advice Smudger. It’s just a little moss needs removing.

Nathan Kaye. Thanks for your input. I asked on here because my friend who cleans these size jobs for me with a diesel powered machine was away in Mexico. I clean small patios and decking with a petrol machine. It was difficult to scale up pricing for this kind of job. It’s not been worth while upgrading to a more powerful machine in the last 8 years. And I’m not about to now because I had an inquiry about a car park pressure wash.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Pressure washing job
« Reply #25 on: October 31, 2017, 11:12:41 pm »
I appreciate that bud, but after you have cleaned that size  car park im sure you would have regrets for not using a more powerful pressure washer and completed it in less time.
But surely your friend would have gave you an idea of price per square meter and an idea of a price to add on for any other aspects of the job.