As usual Kevin thanks for your help.
Definitely porcelain as around the radiator pipes it hadn't been fitted very well and there was a good cross cut showing.
The grout recolour is a great product and the customer is delighted. However they aren't delighted with the haze I've left behind and I've received a call back.
Am I right in thinking because of the nature of the product it will have to be removed with the epoxy grout remover. The customer has gone away for a week so will the grout recolour be fully cured by then as not to be affected by the removal solution.
With reference to the tile bright black, how is this applied? Any specific pad for the rotary?
Sorry for all the questions kev but I backed away from the hard floors due to several reasons but have got my head back on and actively seeking them out again.
I might even attend the course again as a refresher.
Cheers Alex