got other bits left over, however due to not working for a while.. I have a teeny tiny budget to get me back into it.
Hard going round here, sample enquiry I've just had..
"Hello how much for a lounge, bedroom, stairs and landing?"
"Pending room size and level of cleaning, you would be looking about £80"
"Oh, your more than double the cheapest quote I had"
"Well i use a five step method, prevac, prespray, agitate, rinse and deodorise"
"Clean is clean, i'm not a***d how they do it"
when you have this between 5-10 times a week, there is no point me running up credit cards to the tune of 1000's until the business becomes self sufficient..I'm having to use my car (large estate) until I can build up enough to justify a van.
So i'm stuck with a cheaper machine for now
Five-star is looking saucy !