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  • Posts: 31
Website questions
« on: March 22, 2017, 04:24:49 pm »
Hey all,

Sorry to be spamming the forum with a million questions, just eager to learn and get off to the best start possible!


I'm in 2 minds when it comes to a website. Do I want a cool brand name, something people tell to their friends, rolls off the tongue nicely and sounds professional or would I be better off going down the keyword route like 'cityname' and aiming for those good rankings. Third option make a brand name with website and then a secondary site just focused on local keywords showing the same prices, offers and such as the other website.

Really not sure which route to take.

Both have advantages and disadvantages and the combo is well more work and seems a little shady, would also be strange seeing a company turn up with different branding to the website name I found them on.

Any/all advice more than welcome!