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Paul H Coulthard

  • Posts: 254
Hi all ordered 10k flyers yesterday got a new design done from the company yesterday afternoon. I  was happy with the design ect. I was lying in bed last night looking closely at the flyer and I spotted a spelling mistake treated as  (treaded) email the designer who says he can't do anything about it argggghhh and he wants more money to print them again.

scott johns

  • Posts: 309
hi paul
ive had this on 20000 business cards unfortunately they make you sign before printing so its not there fault.
I normally get my printed once a year and as I have been using this company a long time I said just do the same as
last time all good I thought but they missed out stain guard protection was not happy


  • Posts: 239
Wouldn't worry..

We see leads here..

Sorry loads..

Part Worm Tires ... that came yesterday..

I can't see one slight mistake putting people off using you..

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
It's only 10K how much did they cost you £75? I would order some more and use these as customers leaflets..... Leave them with customers to give to friends.  Even tell them if they can spot the smelling mistake they get a. £10 discount :D
Mike Halliday.

Iain macdonald

  • Posts: 121
Mike who do use for your flyers is that what u pay £75 for 10k

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
Hi all ordered 10k flyers yesterday got a new design done from the company yesterday afternoon. I  was happy with the design ect. I was lying in bed last night looking closely at the flyer and I spotted a spelling mistake treated as  (treaded) email the designer who says he can't do anything about it argggghhh and he wants more money to print them again.

Was this proof read by yourself prior to going to print?

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Mike who do use for your flyers is that what u pay £75 for 10k

Iain, glossy, full colour both side A5 from printcarrier.

Mike Halliday.

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
 I cant see how they can do 10,000 A5 for £75 ??? ???

You would need around 1250 sheets of SRA2 paper for that and I would have thought that would be going on for £75.

The depths to which a once proud trade has sunk.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
And this is delivered from the Netherlands by Royal Mail
Mike Halliday.


  • Posts: 6159
I pay around 60-80 quid for 10k from flyerzone

lovely cheap leaflets  :-*

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
And what would you say if you lost a job to a £15 a room cheapo ;)


  • Posts: 6159
Wayne i have noticed you have some sort of passion for leaflet printing companys.

I like to buy cheap and sell high  ;D

makes business sense for me.

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
Before I became a CC I did 34 years in the print.
I lost a couple of jobs due to the way things have got such as giving work away with no profit just to keep the presses rolling.
I went for years without a pay rise as companies were not making any money.The companies you are buying your print from are probably paying crap wages to their workers.Is this what you want to support?

We hear all the time from CCers about price shoppers/cheapos/cowboys/splash and dash ect ect wanting cheap work.

I find there is a certain amount of hypocrisy here regarding these things


  • Posts: 6159
I think i have had this conversation before with you wayne.

I can understand your passion if you had 34 years in print!

With regards supporting low wages, to be brutally honest im really not bothered, i enjoy the odd cheap t shirt from primark for my hols, i suppose thats supporting the same thing but cant say it stops me.

I think you are right, there is a hipocrasy, i must admit when i buy something i mainly look for cheap (within reason i look for the cheapest at a certain quality point) and i do complain about price shoppers in my business.

You are right wayne, BUT thats not gonna stop me buying cheap leaflets im afraid :-X

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Before I became a CC I did 34 years in the print.
I lost a couple of jobs due to the way things have got such as giving work away with no profit just to keep the presses rolling.
I went for years without a pay rise as companies were not making any money.The companies you are buying your print from are probably paying crap wages to their workers.Is this what you want to support?

We hear all the time from CCers about price shoppers/cheapos/cowboys/splash and dash ect ect wanting cheap work.

I find there is a certain amount of hypocrisy here regarding these things

I would guess quite the opposite, I bet they pay very decent wages considering this is a multinational company in the Netherlands not some sweatshop in Pakistan.

Also there is no comparison with  'cheapo' carpet cleaners who charge £15, we are talking about a product, carpet cleaning is a service with very different levels of service.

To be honest you are a little bit biased because you lost your job, I bet typesetter in the newspaper print industry  were very bitter when computers  made thier jobs obsolete,  are computers 'cheapo' gizmos, printing evolved unfortunately for the workers it required less manpower, this is prevalent throughout industry.

There is no hypocrisy in using a company that charges lower prices if they give you exactly what you need.

Mike Halliday.

Ian Harper

did you test the copy before you place the order? 10 k is a lot of money on delivery cost or walking if they dont work? This is where a riso works out great.  We are going the coupon road soon. and plan to get new secondhand riso for a3 to put coupon in. that way we can have colour photos on the coupon and loads of copy on the a3.

I have my own design and copy based on the pink flyer. it follows all the rules that jim wolverton used.

Good luck anyway


PS my local print guy was always moaning about the work load, you drive past the shop and it would be dark at night. they can only print as fast as a machine can run and as long as it runs. one reason i got a riso was a print guy i used not far from me used them. things are changing now with full gloss colour its hard to match that at home. my Dad was in print and always worked the 3 shift pattern.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
How do you test copy? With carpet cleaning the market  and budget is limited.

If you compare  it to selling double glazing that has a massive budget and can use different copy in different magazine & newspaper then compare the results.  they can test different advert & copy in many  places and have multiple 100,000 print runs of different ads & copy go out in a single month.

This massive number can give valuable test results on which  advert/text works the best, we cannot do such a big test to give a valid result on what copy we use is best.

What we have to do is mimic marketing copy that Is proven to work in other industries and adapt it to carpet cleaning.

Although testing headlines on Google Adwords is some thing we can do but this is a different kettle of fish
Mike Halliday.