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Paul H Coulthard

  • Posts: 254
Hi all could u send me some links to very good website designers who fellow members have worked with ? Looking to get a quality site designed thanks in advance

Craig A Moore

  • Posts: 72
where you from as I know someone I have just started using and seems really good

Paul H Coulthard

  • Posts: 254
Cumbria Craig. Send me details

Craig A Moore

  • Posts: 72
I'll get him to mail you bud He does SEO stuff also

Craig A Moore

  • Posts: 72
Sent him your email he's called Darren

dan paton

  • Posts: 492
Feel free to give me a call. Here's one CC site I done recently.


  • Posts: 9268
ooooeeer rr Dan.......

Do you realise that there are 2 ex carpet cleaners, who have been hypnotists, and are now building websites........ both living in Andover????  :o :o :o
Everyday this forum slips further from God.  :'(

dan paton

  • Posts: 492
Ha Ha . Watch out Andover. I see a mass hypnosis session so everyone in andover will have a website. Hector send me an email address or a phone number as there's a few things i want to pick your   brains about. If there's any there that is  ;D ;D

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Does anyone actually make websites that aren't  mobile compatible?

 I would pretty much guess all websites are mobile friendly as a bigger number of searches come from mobiles & tablets that desktops, although I was Looking at a home made website the other day that went a bit skew-wiffy when I turned my iPad on its side
Mike Halliday.

Ian Harper


 I am talking about phones. and touch. text can be a real issue. screen size is a big problem. Did you know google now has search for mobile thats not the same as the PC one? there is also a standard for mobile. I cant keep up with the changes in mobile. thats why i looking at facebook now.


John Higgins

  • Posts: 112
Google is dumping the desktop results at end of year and will just be using the mobile indexing for all devices regardless of whether you are searching on desktop or mobile.

It is important you sites are mobile friendly.


 I am talking about phones. and touch. text can be a real issue. screen size is a big problem. Did you know google now has search for mobile thats not the same as the PC one? there is also a standard for mobile. I cant keep up with the changes in mobile. thats why i looking at facebook now.


Ian Harper


you might be able to tell me what is going on with the indexing. I had a url that was facing a parked page but was getting indexed and showing on page 2 so I pointed it to my main url. now google shows the page 2 in place of the main one on page 1. I have taken off the redirect in the hope it will switch back. 
