Hi Tim
I am hearing the rate of 10.50 per hour a lot but fail to see where the profit is. I certainly cannot see how you can go lower.
if you examine it closely. So living wage at 7.20 set to rise way above inflation over the 3 year life of the contract. Then 12% for holiday entitlement, 2% for pension plus kit costs if it is included. then indirect costs admin, management , insurance , vehicles(assuming a large council contract would need at least one van for support etc.
at best your making 20% but i think in real terms it would be less. i know the argument that the sheer volume of hours of contracts this size make up for the small return but still you have to go some to make 1.00 or 2.00 pounds an hour mean anything.
I suppose mitie , initial etc are dealing with literally 1000's of hours a week so then adds up. difficult for smaller independents to justify even trying.
So much for procurement getting easier, easier must mean doing it for free.