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Jor dan

  • Posts: 59
High PH presprays in the US.
« on: September 25, 2016, 09:29:32 am »
I'm a member of truck mount forums and a couple of other Yankee doodle facebook groups, and many of the guys (I'd even say a majority) use 13ph alkaline cleaners as standard on every single carpet they clean (excl - wool)

I'm not talking about the lazy hacks either, I'm talking about the well trained guys turning over 100k a year, with truck mount box trucks that probably cost the same.

I have noticed that their is much more competition over there, as the public tend to use carpet cleaners a ton more than they do here in the UK. So maybe it's a competition of who can get it the absolute cleanest.

The highest PH prespray I know of in the UK is Champion, which I think is 13.5 but I am yet to ever put it near a carpet, I use it for domestic cleaning and hard floors.

The highest PH I use on a carpet is prochem powerburst which is 11 I think, but sometimes I don't feel it cuts the mustard on the really trashed carpets, even with a fair but of dwell time, and rotary agitation, 400 psi extraction.

What other high ph presprays are there for restorative cleaning in the UK, apart from solutions Shockwave, which I already know about and is also 11.

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: High PH presprays in the US.
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 01:20:44 pm »
The answer is...... find cleaner carpets to clean :)

But for the occasional minger you could try boosting your pre-spray with something like heavy duty soil lifter or citra boost, or/and an oxidising product.
You can also add a detergent to your rinse like formula90.

And there's a chemspec product called rocket fuel, never tried it myself but works on heavly soiled carpet

The Americans clean a lot more synthetic carpets, cleaning a wool carpet is a rare occurrence so they can hammer them with high ph product. Plus the heat and flush from their TM's help too.

Tony Stewart

  • Posts: 320
Re: High PH presprays in the US.
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2016, 08:02:35 pm »
Jordan. You have  CHAT

All those factors clean a carpet. Increase one and you can decrease the others. Use all of them for a minger.

You have a portable so the Heat part cannot get near a truckmount, so on a minger use the powerburst and then use a crb ( not a sebo as it will not agitate it enough) or even a rotary. ( Not on wool as it will frizz the pile) Then let it dwell on the carpet to loosen the soiling. Sometimes you need say Enzall as a cleaner for the protein stains.
If it's a commercial carpet tile then it is usually bomb proof.
We cleaned a 15 year old carpet in a school that the Head had a quote to replace. We had cleaned the corridors and they came up mint. We used Hydramaster Blitz boosted with Greasebreaker. (On the Prochem products Powerburst and Citraboost) and then used Hydra Dri which is another detergent rinse to grab the last bit of the dirt. That is an alkaline so all the purists will be up in arms over the PH value. We had just bought an RX20. We cleaned that at 200F and 700psi and the black carpet came out blue. So we used Extra Chemicals, Extra Agitation with the RX20 and Extra Heat. That was almost a "salvage" job. The chemical to my mind was rinsed out at high pressure and sucked out with the machine on one dry pass to leave the carpet touch dry and clean. I didnt check the PH level but with that clean we get 6 other classrooms to clean.
I am not writing this to be clever but to show you the limits.
So look at your post and the one thing you may not have is the heat part. OK with an external heater like a magma or heat and run you may get hotter water, but you will reach your limit at a much lower level than say my machine.
So Carpet Dawg is right - find cleaner carpets to clean. When we start out we want to do be able to do everything and to it well. Sometimes you have to know that. Don't get jealous of the truckmount guys, you can still clean some trashed carpets with a portable but you may have to clean then a few times in certain areas.
Hope that helps - would I use Champion in a portable like my CFR500 - I would be hesitant. I would stick with your powerburst and boost it and see what it cleans.
Starts at the bottom likes it and stays there

Robin Ray

Re: High PH presprays in the US.
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 09:50:52 pm »
I have not found champion to work any better than Powerburst.

Daniel brown

  • Posts: 6
Re: High PH presprays in the US.
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2016, 08:00:25 pm »
There is a few they work very very well in terms of commercial carpets that's are mainly synthetic they also use rinse agents so change the process slightly using just a Prespray with a rinse agent

John Kelly

  • Posts: 4461
Re: High PH presprays in the US.
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2016, 12:36:26 pm »
Ive used Champion many times on fire and soot damaged wool carpets, even good quality Wiltons and rinsed with Fibre and Fabric rinse came up like new. The manmade Poly's and Nylons were much harder to restore as the oils from the residues had actually been absorbed by the plastics.

Marius Alexandru

  • Posts: 108
Re: High PH presprays in the US.
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2016, 03:22:06 pm »
I use shockwave and it gives amazing results on trashed carpets. Even agitating with the sebo duo.  If I use the truvox carpet comes like new. I don't use heat, just warm pre-spray and cold water extraction.