Looking to buy a new machine but want a machine capable of operating two lances or FSC at full capacity what do you think would be the minimum spec for such a machine?
I've been looking at this .....
Which has this spec.....
80 LPM / 18 GPM @ 4000psi
Fitted with 80 HP Turbo Diesel engine.
I want a machine that can be heavily used but will be worry free for at least 5yrs, I like the fact it has a huge engine which should handle the work without undue stress.
Any other suggestions on machines?
Funny how we all have different ideas for the ideal setup. If it works for you go for it, I can certainly see the logic of removing the need for a unit.
We was about to sign up on a unit but decided to purchase new van and make majority of the kit 'van' based, increasing security and insurance removing the need for a unit. Majority of our work is domestic roofs hence we run 21ltr diesels based in the vans, trolley based so we still have the flexibility to work away from van. Usually, run these at half tilt which is ample for roofs.
Only concern I would have with your beast is the water consumption, as you know at full tilt it would eat 1000 litres in minutes, in order to keep it flowing you would need several full Ibcs or a decent hydrant, std tap in our area would never keep up.
Sure you have done your figures so good luck with it : )