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  • Posts: 562
Slippy is your surname Tricky lol


  • Posts: 13426
Good grief - PAY for water, my god what next, give up the dole money ??

Shame on you 😂

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience

Don Kee

  • Posts: 4874
Go late at night and empty the garage out...then see if you can empty the living room and her jewellery box...make sure you check any loose floorboards as well!!
Why don't you have a quick google before making stupid comments?


  • Posts: 31
Slippy ( by name slippy by nature  :D ) you are not doing yourself any favors.
Things come back on you as you are finding out to your cost.
You say she's a bit mad, her dear old friends are looking out for her by the sounds of things. Then what does that make you ? an opportunist taking advantage ( possibly ).
Whether anybody has seen you producing pure water there or not isn't the issue here. Do you really want to be working under the radar that way, knowing what you are doing is without her consent or worried about prying eyes ?
I don't mean to sound harsh and any digs are meant with humor, but do things right.
I've been in a similar situation re getting a supply of water in order to work. Its difficult yes but not impossible. I had to run an ro out the window of my first floor flat to my street parked van for 7 + years. The only reason I don't anymore is because parking has become increasingly difficult and began dictating my working day and free time. I sourced a supply of ro water from another windy that I  pay for.
Can you not do the same ?
Trying to save a few quid or obtaining water fraudulently is only going to end badly and leave you high and dry ( at the least ) without the means of being able to work.

How did you run an RO from kitchen?  Was it in the kitchen.  I guess a double DI would be quicker.  Did you have any problems with neighbours.  Something I am thinking of.

Anyway, apparently the German lady has decided that the deal is to water her plants every two days for free in payment for free storage of so many gardening and window cleaning equipment.  The subject of using her water or re-charging pumps with  her electric socket weren't mentioned.  Reluctant to ask it.  But to be honest if you struck up a deal of using her water for free gardening or a payment it could be very beneficial.  How would you approach the subject with her?   Or maybe see if it can be worked out from own flat first then if that fails ask.

  As she's completely bonkers it might have to be negotiated with her various old biddy 'friends' 2 who are just trying to get her £600,000 house when she dies off her.

Oh yeah and she met Hitler in person when she was a kid.  No lie.


  • Posts: 2079
Cant understand why he was there at a stupid time but the police have better things to do than chase someone up over the issue you have posted, once they have found out she gave permission to use the she'd they will say she's wasting there time. Like everyone says move the stuff out


  • Posts: 13426
Slippy ( by name slippy by nature  :D ) you are not doing yourself any favors.
Things come back on you as you are finding out to your cost.
You say she's a bit mad, her dear old friends are looking out for her by the sounds of things. Then what does that make you ? an opportunist taking advantage ( possibly ).
Whether anybody has seen you producing pure water there or not isn't the issue here. Do you really want to be working under the radar that way, knowing what you are doing is without her consent or worried about prying eyes ?
I don't mean to sound harsh and any digs are meant with humor, but do things right.
I've been in a similar situation re getting a supply of water in order to work. Its difficult yes but not impossible. I had to run an ro out the window of my first floor flat to my street parked van for 7 + years. The only reason I don't anymore is because parking has become increasingly difficult and began dictating my working day and free time. I sourced a supply of ro water from another windy that I  pay for.
Can you not do the same ?
Trying to save a few quid or obtaining water fraudulently is only going to end badly and leave you high and dry ( at the least ) without the means of being able to work.

How did you run an RO from kitchen?  Was it in the kitchen.  I guess a double DI would be quicker.  Did you have any problems with neighbours.  Something I am thinking of.

Anyway, apparently the German lady has decided that the deal is to water her plants every two days for free in payment for free storage of so many gardening and window cleaning equipment.  The subject of using her wateror re-charging pumps with  her electric socket weren't mentioned. Reluctant to ask it.  But to be honest if you struck up a deal of using her water for free gardening or a payment it could be very beneficial.  How would you approach the subject with her?   Or maybe see if it can be worked out from own flat first then if that fails ask.

  As she's completely bonkers it might have to be negotiated with her various old biddy 'friends' 2 who are just trying to get her £600,000 house when she dies off her.

Oh yeah and she met Hitler in person when she was a kid.  No lie.

So not only water but using the electric as well ....   It just gets better.... 😡

Never argue with an idiot, they will only bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience


  • Posts: 8538
Shame on you slippy for taking advantage of an old lady like that. If that was my elderly mother I would be mad as hell. It would not be the fuzz you would need to be worried about. Best you collect your stuff before it disappears as the old lady sounds to me to be suffering from dementia. Now that would be funny to see your face if the old dear cleared her garage out and gave all your stuff away.  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 2359
Slippy, don't mention TDS meters to ze German. If she knows the water in them barrels are pure, you're done for pal!
We look at them, they look through them.

Slippy ( by name slippy by nature  :D ) you are not doing yourself any favors.
Things come back on you as you are finding out to your cost.
You say she's a bit mad, her dear old friends are looking out for her by the sounds of things. Then what does that make you ? an opportunist taking advantage ( possibly ).
Whether anybody has seen you producing pure water there or not isn't the issue here. Do you really want to be working under the radar that way, knowing what you are doing is without her consent or worried about prying eyes ?
I don't mean to sound harsh and any digs are meant with humor, but do things right.
I've been in a similar situation re getting a supply of water in order to work. Its difficult yes but not impossible. I had to run an ro out the window of my first floor flat to my street parked van for 7 + years. The only reason I don't anymore is because parking has become increasingly difficult and began dictating my working day and free time. I sourced a supply of ro water from another windy that I  pay for.
Can you not do the same ?
Trying to save a few quid or obtaining water fraudulently is only going to end badly and leave you high and dry ( at the least ) without the means of being able to work.

How did you run an RO from kitchen?  Was it in the kitchen.  I guess a double DI would be quicker.  Did you have any problems with neighbours.  Something I am thinking of.

Anyway, apparently the German lady has decided that the deal is to water her plants every two days for free in payment for free storage of so many gardening and window cleaning equipment.  The subject of using her water or re-charging pumps with  her electric socket weren't mentioned.  Reluctant to ask it.  But to be honest if you struck up a deal of using her water for free gardening or a payment it could be very beneficial.  How would you approach the subject with her?   Or maybe see if it can be worked out from own flat first then if that fails ask.

  As she's completely bonkers it might have to be negotiated with her various old biddy 'friends' 2 who are just trying to get her £600,000 house when she dies off her.

Oh yeah and she met Hitler in person when she was a kid.  No lie.
I put a self tapping washing machine tap on to the mains supply in my hallway where it enters my flat ( after the stop cock ! ).
Mounted the ro high on the wall so it was not in the way.
The waste hose went out the back and in to the drain down pipe, the pure went under floor boards and out the bay window at the front. When I needed to produce pure I'd connect a reel of hose to it and lower it down to street level and connect up to a hose outlet at back of my van. My neighbours were ok with it. I always cleaned their windows when I did my own to keep them sweet.  ;)

You could have offered to rent the space off her, to include water and power, money talks. She owes you nothing, you on the other hand ........ :-\ ::)roll
She's elderly, could drop down dead tomorrow. Hardly a beneficial situation to be in. Sort something permanent out for yourself that you have full control over.

Jamie Thomas

  • Posts: 174
Slippy you give eastern Europeans a GOOD name. My poor old mum and dad are dead now if that was my mum I'd introduce you to the business end of a coal hammer.


  • Posts: 31
Slippy ( by name slippy by nature  :D ) you are not doing yourself any favors.
Things come back on you as you are finding out to your cost.
You say she's a bit mad, her dear old friends are looking out for her by the sounds of things. Then what does that make you ? an opportunist taking advantage ( possibly ).
Whether anybody has seen you producing pure water there or not isn't the issue here. Do you really want to be working under the radar that way, knowing what you are doing is without her consent or worried about prying eyes ?
I don't mean to sound harsh and any digs are meant with humor, but do things right.
I've been in a similar situation re getting a supply of water in order to work. Its difficult yes but not impossible. I had to run an ro out the window of my first floor flat to my street parked van for 7 + years. The only reason I don't anymore is because parking has become increasingly difficult and began dictating my working day and free time. I sourced a supply of ro water from another windy that I  pay for.
Can you not do the same ?
Trying to save a few quid or obtaining water fraudulently is only going to end badly and leave you high and dry ( at the least ) without the means of being able to work.

How did you run an RO from kitchen?  Was it in the kitchen.  I guess a double DI would be quicker.  Did you have any problems with neighbours.  Something I am thinking of.

Anyway, apparently the German lady has decided that the deal is to water her plants every two days for free in payment for free storage of so many gardening and window cleaning equipment.  The subject of using her water or re-charging pumps with  her electric socket weren't mentioned.  Reluctant to ask it.  But to be honest if you struck up a deal of using her water for free gardening or a payment it could be very beneficial.  How would you approach the subject with her?   Or maybe see if it can be worked out from own flat first then if that fails ask.

  As she's completely bonkers it might have to be negotiated with her various old biddy 'friends' 2 who are just trying to get her £600,000 house when she dies off her.

Oh yeah and she met Hitler in person when she was a kid.  No lie.
I put a self tapping washing machine tap on to the mains supply in my hallway where it enters my flat ( after the stop cock ! ).
Mounted the ro high on the wall so it was not in the way.
The waste hose went out the back and in to the drain down pipe, the pure went under floor boards and out the bay window at the front. When I needed to produce pure I'd connect a reel of hose to it and lower it down to street level and connect up to a hose outlet at back of my van. My neighbours were ok with it. I always cleaned their windows when I did my own to keep them sweet.  ;)

You could have offered to rent the space off her, to include water and power, money talks. She owes you nothing, you on the other hand ........ :-\ ::)roll
She's elderly, could drop down dead tomorrow. Hardly a beneficial situation to be in. Sort something permanent out for yourself that you have full control over.

How would you ask this and how would you negotiate how much water would be used?  Is it possible to get a meter put on the area you use in garage? 


  • Posts: 8538
I think it's totally unreasonable to keep trying to pursue this myself taking advantage as you have already mentioned the old lady got angry as you are using the garage as your own already.

It doesn’t matter what sort of arrangement you try to make as it’s obvious to me that she and the neighbours looking out for her don’t really want you there. Can’t you see this?

Now you are banging on about the possibility of putting in a separate water metre. Get a grip man as you sound like the bonkers one to me.

I think it's totally unreasonable to keep trying to pursue this myself taking advantage as you have already mentioned the old lady got angry as you are using the garage as your own already.

It doesn’t matter what sort of arrangement you try to make as it’s obvious to me that she and the neighbours looking out for her don’t really want you there. Can’t you see this?

Now you are banging on about the possibility of putting in a separate water metre. Get a grip man as you sound like the bonkers one to me.

Well said, I find this story just ridiculous

Jamie Thomas

  • Posts: 174
I can't belive this site welcomes someone that openly admits to what is paramount to stealing from an old age pensioner and who seems intent on pressurising her into continuing to use her garage. If I had you real name and address I'd be banging on my local old bill shop to pay you a visit. Don't care who this offends your a low life. And any one that finds it OK or funny should be ashamed of themselves.


  • Posts: 2359
Are you the same slippy who posted his WFP car setup on another forum, with the hose hanging out the back window? In fact it has to be you. I'm sorry to say, but I think you have special needs. Get some help fella.
We look at them, they look through them.


  • Posts: 5366
I can't belive this site welcomes someone that openly admits to what is paramount to stealing from an old age pensioner and who seems intent on pressurising her into continuing to use her garage. If I had you real name and address I'd be banging on my local old bill shop to pay you a visit. Don't care who this offends your a low life. And any one that finds it OK or funny should be ashamed of themselves.

Have to agree. Everyone needs to puss ee  footing around this.
Mate your bang out of line. You sound worse than del boy! How old are you and how desperate are you?
In past when my van died when i did trad cleaning. I kept my equipment at a customers house. Never once did i ask for a key. I would txt or call to comfirm im calling in morning and clean their windows for free as in long run she saved me alot of money. You talk of poor pay. Grow up man!!! She allowed u to store things thats all. How much money did this save you, you tight arsed muppet!!
Grow up, get organised and leave this old dear alone. Cause if she was my relation, we'd be having more than words

Forum Admin

  • Posts: 3310
Enough is enough guys, the forum is for the benefit of all regarding your cleaning businesses.

Let's keep it to that before it get's out of hand.