what do you think the minnimum outlay fora trad set up woul be and is that restricting me to ground floor only or can i still use poles to do first floors of domestics?
The cost will vary slightly depending on where you buy your ladders from. I must admit I am not really uptodate on ladders as I use WFP but post a new topic on Ladders and you will get the members to help you with that. Use your traditional set up for ALL your work, get comfortable with the different techniques required for diffent types of windows. Get comfortable using a ladder, remember, SAFETY!!! If your working on your own to start with it would be advisable to get a ladder stay for the more difficult to get to windows.
Build your round slowly and at a pace you can hand. Make sure you price the work correctly to start with. Don't start cheap because you want the work, likewise don't overprice. Ask your frinends what they pay for thier house and get an idea.
Forget about WFP until you have built experience, a good customer base and have decided this really is for you.
i dont believe in using poles on first floor dont give a very good finish.
Sorry ad, totally disagree on that one, if anything you can achieve a better finish using WFP as you can see the bottom corners better than on a 1st,2nd or 3rd floor window. You will see when you change over
Good luck Rob.
Best wishes, Trev