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Is Lee Pryors venture insane or genius?

Won't work, far too big, can't be managed as suggested.
The sky's the limit, an entrepreneur to look up to, what a star, what a business.


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2016, 05:54:04 pm »
You get a better response from business people, like on

Don't waste your time on here unless you need to choose a new brush...

Great idea Jimmy, why don't you join him?


  • Posts: 6100
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #41 on: April 04, 2016, 07:23:50 pm »
It's times like this when I realise I'm happy just being a run of the mill, sole trader window cleaner.
Coz if I were a "high flying successful entrepreneur in the making" I might well be in Dubai next week......laying by the to Lee his budgie smugglers.  ::)roll

If there is a God?.........Thankyou!  ;D 
One of the Plebs


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #42 on: April 04, 2016, 09:17:41 pm »
;D I've heard of no sense but don't talk nonsense Sherlock .. He's going to defend his ideas especially when he believes in them and has put his money on the line. The only guys on here that will criticise what he's doing are sole traders or guys who employ 1 staff and are in a window cleaning rut of wanting it all and simply not having the know how or the balls or the vision maybe to make it happen. The fact your trying to justify singling him out for your own thread says a lot

Didn't realise anyone was fighting you keyboard warrior.  :) I do not know the guy from Adam but I'm just not sure when he asked for opinions he was expecting guys like you that he could sell ten times over to tell him where he's going wrong. It's more interesting hearing stories like his on ideas to expand and really have a go rather than the drivel and and moaning that you see to be pointing at him.  He's choosing a different option rather than just getting by which most on this forum including myself are content to do. I will leave it there now because  bickering like this then people from a distance  won't be able to tell which one of us in an idiot.

What's so wrong in starting a poll that it should attract your criticism then?
It's a poll, asking people's opinions, nothing more nothing less. No ridicule, no criticism, no ugly motive. I can't see how you could possibly draw something critical from that. But then again mate, if you're that driven to make a point...

Fighting other people's battles says a lot about you mate.


  • Posts: 2964
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #43 on: April 04, 2016, 10:11:08 pm »
Thanks Wurzel .  8) 8)
*A HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE - THE SHORT STORY* 'Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.'

chris turner

  • Posts: 1493
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2016, 10:48:35 pm »
You get a better response from business people, like on

Don't waste your time on here unless you need to choose a new brush...

 ::)roll ::)roll ::)roll

James purewash I can't remember anyone ever taking a dig at you, have I missed something?

Iv read alot of your posts over the past couple of years as your business as grown. You have given and taken alot of advice and when in need of assistance this forum was probably a godsend for you.
Now your business has a grown to a larger level suddenly 'you shouldn't waste your time on here' because all we talk about is brushes ::)roll

This is exactly the type of comment and attitude that causes the aggression aimed the 'big' boys.
It has nothing to do with jealousy because quite simply it really isn't that difficult to build a larger scale window cleaning business once your up and running, just not that many want to go that far.

You lot like to think it's all 'jealousy' because your giant ego wants others to be jealous of what you have. 
It's not your wallet size that p!sses people off, it's your f@cking 'I'm superior attitude' that seems to grow along with your wallet.
Just because you turn over £6 million a day why can you no longer talk about which brush is best, like you did when you were only turning over £200 a day?


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #45 on: April 04, 2016, 11:17:34 pm »
You get a better response from business people, like on

Don't waste your time on here unless you need to choose a new brush...

 ::)roll ::)roll ::)roll

James purewash I can't remember anyone ever taking a dig at you, have I missed something?

Iv read alot of your posts over the past couple of years as your business as grown. You have given and taken alot of advice and when in need of assistance this forum was probably a godsend for you.
Now your business has a grown to a larger level suddenly 'you shouldn't waste your time on here' because all we talk about is brushes ::)roll

This is exactly the type of comment and attitude that causes the aggression aimed the 'big' boys.
It has nothing to do with jealousy because quite simply it really isn't that difficult to build a larger scale window cleaning business once your up and running, just not that many want to go that far.

You lot like to think it's all 'jealousy' because your giant ego wants others to be jealous of what you have. 
It's not your wallet size that p!sses people off, it's your f@cking 'I'm superior attitude' that seems to grow along with your wallet.
Just because you turn over £6 million a day why can you no longer talk about which brush is best, like you did when you were only turning over £200 a day?

Well said. Personally I think they are laughable some of these wannabes, more to be pitied than admired in most cases.

Mick Kent

  • Posts: 1380
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #46 on: April 04, 2016, 11:28:01 pm »
If all the twats that think they are above other window cleaners on here buggered off it would prob be a better place. I like to know whats the best brush or pole, i like to know whats the lightest and the fastest.
Without those questions and answers i wouldnt enjoy my job by being able to do it the best way i can.
Actualy growing and gaining customers that these morons think only they can do which i find to be the silly threads as anyone can do it if you put your mind and time to it..
Who cares if you turn over £250k a year as a franchise  ::)roll or selling your house to live with parents coz your struggling to live on 5 vans out each day  ::)roll.  As great as these bull poopers make themselfs out to be all they are doing is what everyone else has done...grown a business to the size we want or require. As said easy stuff that isnt rocket science...the actual gems are the threads that these idiots make out are silly lowlife threads about brushes and poles where we can find the right equipment to buy that has been recommended by fellow window cleaners to make our day to day working lives that much easier and quicker to earn more $$$


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #47 on: April 04, 2016, 11:58:45 pm »
They want to come back on here when they've don it not thinking about it,we can all think about it. I could sell my house tomorrow and do the same with less pressure as could many more on here probably if I wanted to make this job go from an easy way of life and easy to earn a good living to nothing but a headache. if I wanted to invest that kind of money it wouldn't be in window cleaning each too there own but all can see is it not happening in just my opinion,you would need half a dozen people running that kind of operation even if it is just cleaning windows.


  • Posts: 5366
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #48 on: April 05, 2016, 12:34:04 am »
Im sure ive used this point before, but its a good one so here I go.....
There was this man, a fisherman who only worked enough hours of the dag to catch what he needed and return home to his family. So he didnt work full days or even a full week, but was efficient when he worked. Rest of time spent with his wife and children at home or on the beach.
He was noticed by an entrepreneur who saw his potential and efficiency and so approached him. He began by telling him how hes wasting valuable time by not staying out at see longer. If he would stay out longer and for the full wk, he could be more efficient!  Infact he could sell the eztra catches and make some good profit. After some years he could then invest in another boat. With the amount he would be catching he could negotiate better prices and after some more yrs buy another boat. Infact you could sell your catch direct to suppliers and control ur environment. Re invest in another boat and after some more yrs you could manage a fleet and guess what the end results are. The fisherman smiles and says how long would it all take? The entrepreneur tells him maybe 15/20 years, but then heres the best part!! You can retire and spend more time with your family!!!

Isnt that a great point!!........many on here may not have the life that entrepreneurs dream and chase of having........or do we and they just simply dont see it.


  • Posts: 511
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #49 on: April 05, 2016, 08:52:34 am »
As far as family goes. Little ones are only little once and for a short time. I don't want to miss that out at sea all the time  :D :D so to speak


Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #50 on: April 05, 2016, 09:18:47 am »
Some people find happiness in family and enjoying life others find it in chasing money or building an empire, you cant fault Lee for wanting the empire, where would we be without guys like that.
The successful guy is the one who can do both, I don't think there will be anybody envious of a rich successful business man who gave up his whole life to get it.
I used to work for a guy like that and believe me I was more than glad he was the way he was as it kept me in a decent paying job
for many years, but I wouldn't swap his life and wealth for mine.


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #51 on: April 05, 2016, 10:07:55 am »
Did the fisherman also tell him there's a good chance you'll have a heart attack with the stress of building it,don't worry he said you'll still be with your family they can stuff you and put you in the corner and look at you thinking how well you've done for them. There's no right way or wrong way this is a pointless argument if he wants to do it good luck I would much rather have more than I spend each week- month and sit on the beach for a month of the year with a good book. One thing getting a bit older has taught me is that life is short if you have your health and your not panicking about the bills dropping on the mat enjoy it.


  • Posts: 2092
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #52 on: April 05, 2016, 11:43:51 am »
I'm nearly  a millionaire  only got nine hundred and ninety nine thousand to go lol


  • Posts: 16952
Re: Lee Pryor.
« Reply #53 on: April 05, 2016, 02:30:15 pm »
I only care about what I've got I couldn't give a toss what anyone else has unless there gonna give it to me lol.