Took my system to get new R/O membrane £220 and new pre filters, amongst other stuff. But wasn't there whilst they were replaced
Upon returning thinking that with all new kit in place with new resin etc, I would be getting more than 2.5k litres before TDS crept up to two!
I was a bit gutted to be honest, looked at the top of my R/O filter and there was still a bit of tobacco I'd dropped in a few weeks ago, now I'm wondering if they even changed it........
What would you say litre wise you should get with all brand new gear?
June at GAPS told me that the tolerance is 95%. So if your input TDS is 300, anything up to 15 out (of the RO, not the resin) is considered acceptable by the manufacturer and means it won't be replaced.
If the prefilters haven't been changed then the pressure at RO input may not be as good as it could be. Also, if they haven't replaced the carbon filter and it's letting chlorine through you'll be irreparably damaging your membrane -
you need to sort it quickly if this might be the problem. Chlorine damage is a one-way trip. It's possible this is what did the damage to your old membrane enough that you needed to replace it. If they've left that undone you're already damaging the new membrane. For the cost I'd replace the charcoal anyway.
The best solution for filtering IMO is a spectrum vessel full of acid-washed carbon from GAPS. I get a year out of a £30 refill and it traps particles as well as chlorine so I don't need to replace particle filters either. On my change of carbon this spring I'm probably going to dump the particle filter.