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  • Posts: 1211
Early Wagtail flipper.
« on: May 29, 2015, 03:45:00 pm »
Here are the early Wagtail flippers they have two piece discs on them.
The video below is the one I seen first when discovered the wagtail.
Check it out.


  • Posts: 1211
Re: Early Wagtail flipper.
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2015, 12:04:47 pm »
Yes they were much different then what you have now.
In the way the disc was put on the squeegee channel in two pieces.
And flat not concave like it is now.
Disc/squeegee channel had been riveted onto the handle which was ok until it stated to wear the disc became loose.
Had brought this up with Willie (have one piece disc) that it would be good also if they had something that you could change squeegee channels.
He must of listen to a point.
As he changed the disc to a concave shape as to the handle has a curved on it so to sit in the disc when using.
The older handles were flat where the disc fit onto it.
It was a real leaning curve LOL!!
After about a week got the gist of what I thought was the way it worked best for me.
But there where a few things done to make it work better for the way I could use it easier.
Then May of 2011 started to put videos showing how to use Wagtails to give other people a better idea of how to use them.
And other videos with different modifications for people to do so to make it easier to use these squeegees.