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  • Posts: 20547
Re: At long last, a new Forum host
« Reply #80 on: March 23, 2015, 11:19:12 am »
You use the term begging to imply something unwholesome like a street beggar in a third world country. Asking for a donation on an essentially free forum is hardly begging no more than a fair ground attraction asks, or begs, for money to go on the ride.

I implied nothing. You decided to class it as that.

Begging is defined as:  to ask (someone) to give or do something.

It's a begging page.
They're eeeting the dogs.
They're eeeting the cats.
They're eeeting the pets,
of the people who live there.


  • Posts: 1394
Re: At long last, a new Forum host New
« Reply #81 on: March 23, 2015, 06:36:36 pm »
Who are Admin, where do they live, and what is their purpose?

In the early days of this forum, it was sponsored by Cleaning Express Supplies (I think). Is it still the same?

I'll bet I get absolutely no answer.


Just saw this post and thought I ought to answer. The forum was indeed owned and operated by Express Cleaning Supplies but when that business was sold, the forum was kept because we felt there was more that could be done with it (in terms of adding value to members) Although I started the forum back in 2002 I've had very little time over the past few years to do anything with it directly. It's been Mitch Evans who has dealt with it on a day to day basis and he's maintained a large number of advertisers who have funded the site. We recognised that the site needs to move on and this change is part of that. I see that some people haven't taken to it as quickly as others but the intention really is to make it as functional as possible and hopefully you'll see more changes over time that supports this.

Kind regards


ps I live in Worcester and the new upgrade is possibly the digital equivalent of a mid-life crisis!