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Afterglow Window Cleaners

  • Posts: 256
Another RO question
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:54:34 pm »
Hey guys,

Being a small one man band using about 300 litres per day, I am having trouble justifying paying £600 for a 4040 setup.

I am looking to upgrade my current RO which is only 200gpd and running 24/7

I want to upgrade it if I can to a 600gpd system by getting two of the newer (fatter) housings and two 300gpd membranes.

Will this work?  will I need a different flow restrictor size? and what sort of booster pump would work best with this setup?

Thanks, Gary

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Another RO question New
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 04:12:06 pm »
Just buy another membrane housing and 100 gpd membrane (we've tried 100 and 150 gpd's - wasn't any difference in output)

Run them in parallel (three way split in the feed from the booster pump - after the prefilters) This pump is good:

Same restrictor should be OK but if you want to control it yourself you can fit two plastic 1/4 turn valves in the waste pipe - put two  t connectors in the waste to make a bypass and fit one valve in each side.  With one closed adjust the other until you get the ratio you want, then leave this one alone and open the closed  one when you want to flush.

This should produce far more water than you need in 24 hrs - if not there's another problem somewhere.