These are the standard messages the control will display
1. PS meaning Pump pressure switch Activation
2. DE meaning Dead End.
3. BAT meaning low battery voltage has been detected. (note current battery voltage is displayed numerically)
4. OC meaning Over current
5. CAL meaning the calibration mode has been selected (link) AUT meaning auto calibration has been selected please see above points 4 & 5. Note while in CAL mode it is possible to manually calibrate the digital control without entering point 6.
7. SET meaning the selected calibration has been saved into the processor memory
8. FLO displays the selected water flow rate currently in use.
9. Err meaning an error has occurred while using Auto Cal. This can happen if the pump is not connected or the Enter button has been pressed to cancel Auto Cal.
10. ON/OFF to enable or disable the low battery cut off see point 3. (note this feature is only available in the V11 digital)