Just bought a load of new smart clamps. Fixed a pole with seven sections. It's cool - almost! The black is coming off onto my hands as if it's made out of black paint! I've what I thought I sealled it with clear auto laquer but the black just keeps coming off! What's the best thing to do?
Pole in question is a Gardiners! Alex if you could advise that would be good.
This is the downside of older carbon fibre poles. If you have sealed the outside surface with lacquer then the dust will be coming off from the inside of the sections as they wear.
As has been said - The best method to help keep this to the minimum is:
1. Keep the pole very clean, hose out the inside of each section regularly - once a week minimum.
2. Wipe the pole hose after each property as grit taken up the pole hose will be the biggest contributor to abrasive wear on the inside of the sections.
3. Check & replace the overlap tape, replacing on both areas if needed (at the stop point and around the base)
4. Then spray the overlaps with dry-film PTFE spray.
Doing all of this will make a big difference.
As has also been said, wearing cheap disposable Nitrile gloves will protect your hands and keep them hygienic as well.