If you bypass the pressure switch as you've described can you run the pump like that or will it damage the pump.
Asking this because today one of the terminals on my pressure switch snapped off so if I can run without it. Great.
Thanks Craig.
Hi Craig, do you use a flow controller ? some people bypass the pressure switch and rely on the controller to detect a dead end and turn pump off when pole hose is disconnected ,or in the case of a tap on the end of your hose reel or pole hose ,is closed.
If you don't then if you stop the flow of water by disconnecting pole hose or by a tap the pump will continue to run and pressure will build, something will blow, probably a hose fitting somewhere, probably doesn't do the pump much good either as it will put more strain on it.
If you do not restrict the flow of water whilst pump is running and can turn the pump off manually ( in line switch ) then its ok, although not ideal it would keep you working until you could get it fixed.