did they not tell you to f---- off
Just seen two guys at the top of a ladder working on fixing a shop sign. No foot at the bottom of the ladder either, despite them having a friend at the bottom looking up doing nothing. I told them how dangerous it was, but they wouldn't have it. Absolute madness.
Why was the ladder dangerous to use?Was it broken?Old?Or do you believe the monkeys over the last few years who have decided a 2000 year old plus piece of equipment is now suddenly dangerous to use? Will my Mrs be able to use the extremely dangerous loft ladderOr will my kids be able to use the bunk bed ladder? (what about the ladders on board ships/ferries)A ladder like many other tools is only dangerous in the wrong hands!
Now there's a good idea!
No worries we have barrier taped off all around the outside of the house - just in case some poor visitor should come a callin unexpectedly - we wouldn't want them to be walking into dangerCaleb Morley are you the son of the legenderey Barry Morley of Bradford West Riding Fame
No chance, I'm a big lad with a skinhead don't you know. Plus I know Krav Maga
Everyday this forum slips further from God.