Hi Richy,
Yes - you can easily track staff earnings in Cleaner Planner
First you need to add them as users via the "Settings > Users". Don't worry though, if you leave the "Account admin" box
unchecked they won't be able to login to your main Cleaner Planner, they will only see worksheets you assign to them on the mobile app. If you don't assign anything to them then they won't be able to see any of your data.
Once you've set this up, if the lads are running off paper sheets, then all you need to do is select the user from the "Assign to user" dropdown when you create the worksheet. You can also assign an existing worksheet to a user by selecting them from the "Assign to user" dropdown top right of the worksheet.
Once you've done that all jobs done/paid on that sheet will be logged against that user. You can then go into the "Accounts" tab and select the user from the "All Users" dropdown to see daily/weekly/monthly earnings from worksheets assigned to them.
Once you've assigned a worksheet to a user they will also have the option to download it to the mobile app (by logging in to the mobile app as themselves). Just to stress though that's all they will see! The debts tab will be empty/disabled and they won't be able to see any jobs not assigned to them on that worksheet. When they mark off the jobs as done/paid, again, that will be logged against their user account and show up against them in the "Accounts" tab on the PC.
Hope that makes sense? Let me know if any further questions.