I have recently landed a job cleaning the carpets at a very up market hotel, mainly spotting but also cleaning corridors and rugs and stairs. All the carpets are good quality wool, that i have seen so far. The trouble is access, they don't want me using the main entrance and i have to go through the staff entrance at the back which entails a steep flight of stairs, its an old building and no lifts either. My main machine is the Airflex Storm but i've not been able to use it yet due to access problems. So far i have got away with using my spotter machine, Sabrina 5000 as the jobs have all been small, so far.
The other problem i have is that guests and staff are everywhere and keep getting in my way
, hotel will not / can not close any public areas if i'm working there.
Based on the first month and assuming they will keep on using me it should be worth an extra £6K a year for me, so i'm thinking of getting a smaller machine suitable for this particular job but also double up as a back up machine. It needs to be light, small with psi of min of 130 but preferably 250psi and twin vac, do not really need heat as long as i can use Magma heater that i already have and existing wand and hoses, any suggestions?