I think it is about time that an attachment was available for WFP use that allows you to draw into the hose a tiny percentage of detergent or other chemical.
Much as you can with pressure washers and so on.
This would allow for a little more versatility, particularly on first time cleans that are really gopping
At the moment, so long as I am not working at too great a height I'll just plunge the brush into my bucket, which always has Unger liquid in there, I guess it could be fairy liquid or GG3 and so on.
So with a soapy brush I will scrub and was the windows and frames of work that I deem it necessary that detergent is needed.
It's a pain doing it this way, would be so much better to be able to actually have a controlled feed of whatever solution you feel you need to use.
Does anyone know if there is anything out there that can do this?
And give you a high level of control of just how much solution is drawn into the feed?