Hi Ian,
Yes its me
1. Going great there is plenty of work in and around where I live - the difference to window cleaning is that you always have to be looking for it (especially when i first started and was building a reputation which i still am doing)
2. No regrets I hated window cleaning, however make sure you have someone local to hand if your PW packs up..
3. Nothing I would do differently really - I am constantly learning and taking onboard advice given & what ive researched and just tweaking small things as I go along so no stupid decisions been made (yet)!!
In my eyes if you can start 1 business you can start any, and went into pressure washing & guttering with that attitude and some valuable experiences i had from the window cleaning which helped a lot.
I am currently having 3 websites made, guttering, roof cleaning & pressure washing and have been doing a lot of reading about SEO so getting professional content writers to write the articles on all the sites and having someone optimise the pages specially for google, so hopefully that will bring some more work in aswell between the 3 sites.
Hope that helps