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Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« on: July 28, 2014, 09:59:24 pm »
Looking at expanding my services and have toyed with getting into Pest Control, I know that Chemspec do an online one for insecticide but i am assuming that this is only for insect problems in carpets and soft furnishings.

Although i have left it too late for this year might consider doing the BPCA online qualification in the Autumn but need to know if there is much demand for this service and therefore worthwhile.

Are there any other qualification i should consider? I would be mainly interested in insect problems and rodents in both domestic and commercial situations. 
former carpet cleaner, now retired!

Mike Gwilliam

  • Posts: 1343
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 10:19:48 pm »
I think if your a carpet and upholstery cleaner, there wont be much demand.

Perhaps if you are a pest controller, then there probably would be.

As far as rodents go, I think the local councils handles these and there's also a plethora of would be assassins at the local air rifle club, dressed in combos with the latest night sight technology who would gladly take the little blighters out for free. ;D

If my memory serves me right, Ive probably had 4 inquiries in ten years for fleas or carpet moth.

If you want a lucrative add on to your business that will generate £1000s of extra income a year, your probably better going for..

Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 10:26:20 pm »
go on Mike, going for.......................... don't leave me in suspense ;D

p.s. I would set up a separate website business for Pest Control.
former carpet cleaner, now retired!

adrian marsh

Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 11:02:57 pm »
To use, or even buy, pest controll chems you will need to be fully trained and registered. They won't sell these products to anyone who just feels like having a go. I did a course a few years ago as I thought there may be a demand for it. Now I just pass any leads over to a local guy who has all the right traing, equipment & insurance to carry out the appropriate treatments.

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 11:04:27 pm »
just get more carpet and upholstery cleaning work brah

John Kelly

  • Posts: 4461
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2014, 08:40:03 am »
The textile pest technician is a really good add on. If you advertise a service people will come. Its money for old rope.
Likewise protector, someone on the carpet cleaners page on Facebok hasjust bought a new caravan. They were quoted £900 to protect it. As I've said many times this is a multi million pound business and carpet cleaners, the very people who could benefit the most, shy away from it.

Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2014, 11:42:38 pm »
If i was to take this further what would the best route be Killgerm or BPCA ?
former carpet cleaner, now retired!

jim mca

  • Posts: 827
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2014, 08:02:08 am »

Post in the general section BDCS should be able to give you more info

Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2014, 08:49:45 am »
Thanks Jim, being carpet cleaner naturally posted here, didn't think of that, doh! :)
former carpet cleaner, now retired!

Richard Cole

  • Posts: 783
Re: Does anyone do Pest Control as an add on?
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2014, 05:05:22 pm »
Cheers Simon, yes i had seen a few post's that Peter was involved in this line of work. 
former carpet cleaner, now retired!